Impact of artificial light at night on diurnal plant-pollinator interactions
von: Simone Giavi, Colin Fontaine, Eva Knop |
Künstliches Licht beeinflusst sogar Bestäubung am Tag |
Leaf Fertilizers Affect Survival and Behavior of the Neotropical Stingless Bee Friesella schrottkyi
von: Cleiton G. Rodrigues, Alexandra P. Krüger, Wagner F. Barbosa, Raul Narciso C. Guedes |
Kupfersulfat für stachellose Bienen tödlich |
Impact of copper sulfate on survival, behavior, midgut morphology, and antioxidant activity of Partamona helleri (Apidae: Meliponini)
von: Rodrigo Cupertino Bernardes, Kenner Morais Fernandes, Daniel Silva Sena Bastos, André Filipe Penha Aires Freire, Marcos Pereira Lopes, Leandro Licursi de Oliveira, Mara Garcia Tavares, Renan dos Santos Araújo, Gustavo Ferreira Martins |
Kupfersulfat schädigt Bienen |
The expansion of agriculture has shaped the recent evolutionary history of a specialized squash pollinator
von: Nathaniel S. Pope, Avehi Singh, Anna K. Childers, Margarita M. López-Uribe |
Kürbisbienen profitieren von landwirtschaftlicher Intensivierung |
Land-use history impacts functional diversity across multiple trophic groups
von: Gaëtane Le Provost, Isabelle Badenhausser, Yoann Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Yann Clough, Laura Henckel, Cyrille Violle, Vincent Bretagnolle, Marilyn Roncoroni, Peter Manning, Nicolas Gross |
Landnutzung hat langfristige Auswirkung auf biologische Vielfalt |
Landscape characteristics predict body sizes in wild bees: implications for pollination services and foraging range
von: Sarah DePaolo Elzay, Kristen A. Baum |
Landschaft bestimmt Körpergröße von Wildbienen |
Landscape Simplification Modifies Trap-Nesting Bee and Wasp Communities in the Subtropics
von: Rachele S. Wilson, Sara D. Leonhardt, Chris J. Burwell, Chris Fuller 6, Tobias J. Smith, Benjamin F. Kaluza, Helen M. Wallace |
Landwirtschaft in Tropen zulasten spezialisierter Bienen und Wespen |
Candidate stress biomarkers for queen failure diagnostics
von: Alison McAfee, Joseph Milone, Abigail Chapman, Leonard J. Foster, Jeffery S. Pettis, David R. Tarpy |
Lang lebe die Königin |
Long-legged bees make adaptive leaps: linking adaptation to coevolution in a plant–pollinator network
von: Anton Pauw, Belinda Kahnt, Michael Kuhlmann, Denis Michez, Graham A. Montgomery, Elizabeth Murray, Bryan N. Danforth |
Langbeinige Bienen mit spezieller Anpassung für Blüten |
Chronic within-hive video recordings detect altered nursing behaviour and retarded larval development of neonicotinoid treated honey bees
von: Paul Siefert, Rudra Hota, Visvanathan Ramesh, Bernd Grünewald |
Langzeitvideos zeigen Brutentwicklung von Bienenlarven mit Neonicotinoiden im Futtersaft |
Two extended haplotype blocks are associated with adaptation to high altitude habitats in East African honey bees
von: Andreas Wallberg, Caspar Schöning, Matthew T. Webster, Martin Hasselmann |
Lern-Gene bei Honigbienen sorgen für Anpassung an Umwelt |
Effects of aversive conditioning on expression of physiological stress in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
von: Timothy E. Black, Ova Fofah, Christopher W. Dinges, Carlos A. Ortiz-Alvarado, Arián Avalos, Yarira Ortiz-Alvarado, Charles I. Abramson |
Lernstress bei Honigbienen |
Cues for cavity nesters: investigating relevant zeitgebers for emerging leafcutting bees, Megachile rotundata
von: Meghan M. Bennett, Joseph P. Rinehart, George D. Yocum, Curt Doetkott, Kendra J. Greenlee |
Licht oder Wärme - was reguliert die Entwicklung vieler Wildbienenlarven? |
Use of temporal and colour cueing in a symbolic delayed matching task by honey bees
von: Leslie Ng, Jair E. Garcia, Adrian G. Dyer |
Lichtsignale zeigen bei Honigbienen wenig Wirkung |
Lotmaria passim (Kinetoplastea: Trypanosomatidae) in honey bees from Argentina
von: Silvina Quintana, Santiago Plischuk, Constanza Brasesco, Pablo Revainera, María Laura Genchi García, María Emilia Bravi, Francisco Reynaldi, Martin Eguaras, Matías Maggi |
Lotmaria passim bei Honigbienen in Argentinien |
Function of environment-derived male perfumes in orchid bees
von: Jonas Henske, Nicholas W. Saleh, Thomas Chouvenc, Santiago R. Ramírez, Thomas Eltz |
Männliche Bienen sammeln und stehlen sogar Parfüm |
Neonicotinoid Pesticides Cause Mass Fatalities of Native Bumble Bees: A Case Study From Wilsonville, Oregon, United States
von: Richard G. Hatfield, James P. Strange, Jonathan B. Koch, Sarina Jepsen, Isaak Stapleton |
Massensterben von Hummeln nach Neonicotinoid-Einsatz |
Crop visitation by wild bees declines over an 8-year time series: A dramatic trend, or just dramatic between-year variation?
von: Andrew H. Aldercotte, Dylan T. Simpson, Rachael Winfree |
Massiver Bienenrückgang an Wassermelonen |
Natural land cover drives pollinator abundance and richness, leading to reductions in pollen limitation in cotton agroecosystems
von: Sarah Cussera, John L. Neffb, Shalene Jhaa |
Mehr Baumwolle dank Bestäubern |
Wild pollinator activity negatively related to honey bee colony densities in urban context
von: Lise Ropars, Isabelle Dajoz, Colin Fontaine, Audrey Muratet, Benoît Geslin |
Mehr Honigbienen bedeuten weniger Wildbienen in Städten |
The bees of Michigan (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), with notes on distribution, taxonomy, pollination, and natural history
von: Jason Gibbs, John S. Ascher, Molly G. Rightmyer, Rufus Isaacs |
Mehr los im Staate Michigan |
Connecting people with place-specific nature in cities reduces unintentional harm
von: Margaret C. Stanley, Josie A. Galbraith |
Mehr Natur allein hilft nicht |
Changes in the bee fauna of a German botanical garden between 1997 and 2017, attributable to climate warming, not other parameters
von: Michaela M. Hofmann, Andreas Fleischmann, Susanne S. Renner |
Mehr Wildbienenarten nach Klimaerwärmung im Botanischen Garten München |
Widespread Exploitation of the Honeybee by Early Neolithic Farmers
von: Mélanie Roffet-Salque, Martine Regert, Richard P. Evershed, Alan K. Outram, Lucy J. E. Cramp, Orestes Decavallas, Julie Dunne, Pascale Gerbault, Simona Mileto, Sigrid Mirabaud, Mirva Pääkkönen, Jessica Smyth, Lucija Šoberl, Helen L. Whelton, Alfonso Alday-Ruiz, Henrik Asplund, Marta Bartkowiak, Eva Bayer-Niemeier, Lotfi Belhouchet, Federico Bernardini, Mihael Budja, Gabriel Cooney, Miriam Cubas, Ed M. Danaher, Mariana Diniz, László Domboróczki, Cristina Fabbri, Jesus E. González-Urquijo, Jean Guilaine, Slimane Hachi, Barrie N. Hartwell, Daniela Hofmann, Isabel Hohle, Juan J. Ibáñez, Necmi Karul, Farid Kherbouche, Jacinta Kiely, Kostas Kotsakis, Friedrich Lueth, James P. Mallory, Claire Manen, Arkadiusz Marciniak, Brigitte Maurice-Chabard, Martin A. Mc Gonigle, Simone Mulazzani, Mehmet Özdoğan, Olga S. Perić, Slaviša R. Perić, Jörg Petrasch, Anne-Marie Pétrequin, Pierre Pétrequin, Ulrike Poensgen, C. Joshua Pollard, François Poplin, Giovanna Radi, Peter Stadler, Harald Stäuble, Nenad Tasić, Dushka Urem-Kotsou |
Menschen haben Bienenprodukte schon vor 8.500 Jahren genutzt |
Quantifying the impact of pesticides on learning and memory in bees
von: Harry Siviter, Julia Koricheva, Mark J. F. Brown, Ellouise Leadbeater |
Meta-Studie zur Wirkung von Pestiziden auf Bienen |
Associative learning of flowers by generalist bumble bees can be mediated by microbes on the petals
von: Avery L Russell, Tia-Lynn Ashman |
Mikrobielle Gemeinschaften leiten Bienen |
Comparative metagenomics reveals expanded insights into intra- and interspecific variation among wild bee microbiomes
von: Wyatt A. Shell, Sandra M. Rehan |
Mikrobiom bei Keulhornbienen |
Compartmentalization of bacterial and fungal microbiomes in the gut of adult honeybees
von: Matteo Callegari, Elena Crotti, Marco Fusi, Ramona Marasco, Elena Gonella, Ivano De Noni, Diego Romano, Sara Borin, George Tsiamis, Ameur Cherif, Alberto Alma, Daniele Daffonchio |
Mikrobiom von Honigbienen komplexer als gedacht |
Are Honey Bees at Risk from Microplastics?
von: Yahya Al Nagga, Markus Brinkmann, Christie M. Sayes, Saad N. AL-Kahtani, Showket A. Dar, Hesham R. El-Seedi, Bernd Grünewald, John P. Giesy |
Mikroplastik als Gefahr für Honigbienen |
Honeybees as active samplers for microplastics
von: Carlos Edo, Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba, Flemming Vejsnæs, Jozef J. M. van der Steen, Francisca Fernández-Piñas, Roberto Rosal |
Mikroplastik bei Honigbienen |
Fungivorous mites enhance the survivorship and development of stingless bees even when exposed to pesticides
von: Annelise S. Rosa-Fontana, Adna Suelen Dorigo, José Bruno Malaquias, Jéssica K. S. Pachú, Roberta C. F. Nocelli, Simone Tosi, Osmar Malaspina |
Milben sorgen bei Bienen für bessere Chancen |
Engineered gut symbiont inhibits microsporidian parasite and improves honey bee survival
von: Qiang Huang, Patrick J. Lariviere, J. Elijah Powell, Nancy A. Moran |
Mit Gentechnik gegen Nosema |
Nitric oxide radicals are emitted by wasp eggs to kill mold fungi
von: Erhard Strohm, Gudrun Herzner, Joachim Ruther, Martin Kaltenpoth, Tobias Engl |
Mit Stickstoffmonoxid gegen Schimmelbefall |
Transcriptomic analysis to elucidate the response of honeybees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to amitraz treatment
von: Liang Ye, Peng Liu, Tengfei Shi, Anran Wang, Yujie Zhu, Lai Li, Linsheng Yu |
Molekulare Wirkung von Amitraz-Behandlungen bei Honigbienen |
Monofloral Triadica Cochinchinensis Honey Polyphenols Improve Alcohol-Induced Liver Disease by Regulating the Gut Microbiota of Mice
von: Liping Luo, Jinping Zhang, Mingyan Liu, Shengrong Qiu, Shengxiang Yi, Wenjie Yu, Tao Liu, Xueyong Huang, Fangjian Ning |
Monoflorale Honigpolyphenole gegen Lebererkrankung |
Diminishing returns drive altruists to help extended family
von: Patrick Kennedy, Seirian Sumner, P. Botha, N. J. Welton, A. D. Higginson, Andy N. Radford |
Nachbarschaftshilfe unter Papierwespen |
Bumble Bee Workers Give Up Sleep to Care for Offspring that Are Not Their Own
von: Moshe Nagari, Ariel Gera, Sara Jonsson, Guy Bloch |
Nachkommen rauben Hummeln den Schlaf |
Nocturnal Bees as Crop Pollinators
von: Guaraci D. Cordeiro, Rodolfo Liporoni, Carolina A. Caetano, Cristiane Krug, Carlos A. Mart ínez-Martínez, Herbeson O. J. Martins, Renan K. O. A. Cardoso, Fernanda F. Araujo, Priscila C. S. Araújo, Reisla Oliveira, Clemens Schlindwein, Eric J. Warrant, Stefan Dötterl, Isabel Alves-dos-Santos |
Nachtaktive Bienen als Bestäuber |
A Simple Denoising Algorithm for Real-World Noisy Camera Images
von: Manfred Hartbauer |
Nachtaktive Bienen inspirieren Bildrauschen |
Dim-light colour vision in the facultatively nocturnal Asian giant honeybee, Apis dorsata
von: Sajesh Vijayan, G. S. Balamurali, Jewel Johnson, Almut Kelber, Eric J. Warrant, Hema Somanathan |
Nachtaktive Honigbienen |
Seek and you shall find: An assessment of the influence of the analytical methodologies on pesticide occurrences in honey bee-collected pollen with a systematic review
von: Gioele Toselli, Fabio Sgolastra |
Nachweisgrenzen in manchen Studien höher als toxische Dosis für Honigbienen |
Floral richness and seasonality influences bee and non-bee flower interactions in urban community gardens
von: Julia Marion Schmack, Monika Egerer |
Nahrungsangebot entscheidet über Insektenvielfalt |
Pollen and landscape diversity as well as wax moth depredation determine reproductive success of bumblebees in agricultural landscapes
von: Sandra Elena Schweiger, Nicole Beyer, Annika Louise Hass, Catrin Westphal |
Nahrungsvielfalt begrenzt schädliche Einflüsse |
Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against the honeybee pathogens, Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis and their topical toxicity to Apis mellifera adults
von: V. Chaimanee, U. Thongtue, N. Sornmai, S. Songsri, J. S. Pettis |
Natürliche Behandlung Amerikanischer Faulbrut und Kalkbrut |
Agriculturally dominated landscapes reduce bee phylogenetic diversity and pollination services
von: Heather Grab, Michael G. Branstetter, Nolan Amon, Katherine R. Urban-Mead, Mia G. Park, Jason Gibbs, Eleanor J. Blitzer, Katja Poveda, Greg Loeb, Bryan N. Danforth |
Natürliche Lebensräume sorgen für bessere Apfelernte |
Plant evolution can mediate negative effects from honey bees on wild pollinators
von: James R. D. Milner, Elias H. Bloom, David W. Crowder, Tobin D. Northfield |
Negative Effekte von Honigbienen auf Wildbestäuber und Pflanzen |
Pesticide reduces bumblebee colony initiation and increases probability of population extinction
von: Gemma L. Baron, Vincent A. A. Jansen, Mark J. F. Brown, Nigel E. Raine |
Neonicotinoid Thiamethoxam setzt Hummel-Populationen zu |
Can Costs of Pesticide Exposure for Bumblebees Be Balanced by Benefits from a Mass-Flowering Crop?
von: Maj Rundlöf, Ola Lundin |
Neonicotinoid Thiacloprid positiv für Hummeln? |
Neonicotinoid-induced mortality risk for bees foraging on oilseed rape nectar persists despite EU moratorium
von: Dimitry Wintermantel, Jean-François Odoux, Axel Decourtye, Mickaël Henry, Fabrice Allier, Vincent Bretagnolle |
Neonicotinoide auch Jahre nach Anwendungsverbot in der Umwelt |
Chronic exposure to neonicotinoids reduces honey bee health near corn crops
von: Nadia Tsvetkov, O. Samson-Robert, K. Sood, H. S. Patel, D. A. Malena, P. H. Gajiwala, P. Maciukiewicz, Valérie Fournier, Amro Zayed |
Neonicotinoide führen zu frühem Tod von Arbeiterinnen und Königin |