Vorgestellte Studien auf bienen-nachrichten.de

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Studientitel Beitragstitel
Compartmentalization of bacterial and fungal microbiomes in the gut of adult honeybees
von: Matteo Callegari, Elena Crotti, Marco Fusi, Ramona Marasco, Elena Gonella, Ivano De Noni, Diego Romano, Sara Borin, George Tsiamis, Ameur Cherif, Alberto Alma, Daniele Daffonchio
Mikrobiom von Honigbienen komplexer als gedacht
Honeybees as active samplers for microplastics
von: Carlos Edo, Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba, Flemming Vejsnæs, Jozef J. M. van der Steen, Francisca Fernández-Piñas, Roberto Rosal
Mikroplastik bei Honigbienen
Fungivorous mites enhance the survivorship and development of stingless bees even when exposed to pesticides
von: Annelise S. Rosa-Fontana, Adna Suelen Dorigo, José Bruno Malaquias, Jéssica K. S. Pachú, Roberta C. F. Nocelli, Simone Tosi, Osmar Malaspina
Milben sorgen bei Bienen für bessere Chancen
Engineered gut symbiont inhibits microsporidian parasite and improves honey bee survival
von: Qiang Huang, Patrick J. Lariviere, J. Elijah Powell, Nancy A. Moran
Mit Gentechnik gegen Nosema
Nitric oxide radicals are emitted by wasp eggs to kill mold fungi
von: Erhard Strohm, Gudrun Herzner, Joachim Ruther, Martin Kaltenpoth, Tobias Engl
Mit Stickstoffmonoxid gegen Schimmelbefall
Transcriptomic analysis to elucidate the response of honeybees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) to amitraz treatment
von: Liang Ye, Peng Liu, Tengfei Shi, Anran Wang, Yujie Zhu, Lai Li, Linsheng Yu
Molekulare Wirkung von Amitraz-Behandlungen bei Honigbienen
Monofloral Triadica Cochinchinensis Honey Polyphenols Improve Alcohol-Induced Liver Disease by Regulating the Gut Microbiota of Mice
von: Liping Luo, Jinping Zhang, Mingyan Liu, Shengrong Qiu, Shengxiang Yi, Wenjie Yu, Tao Liu, Xueyong Huang, Fangjian Ning
Monoflorale Honigpolyphenole gegen Lebererkrankung
Diminishing returns drive altruists to help extended family
von: Patrick Kennedy, Seirian Sumner, P. Botha, N. J. Welton, A. D. Higginson, Andy N. Radford
Nachbarschaftshilfe unter Papierwespen
Bumble Bee Workers Give Up Sleep to Care for Offspring that Are Not Their Own
von: Moshe Nagari, Ariel Gera, Sara Jonsson, Guy Bloch
Nachkommen rauben Hummeln den Schlaf
Nocturnal Bees as Crop Pollinators
von: Guaraci D. Cordeiro, Rodolfo Liporoni, Carolina A. Caetano, Cristiane Krug, Carlos A. Mart ínez-Martínez, Herbeson O. J. Martins, Renan K. O. A. Cardoso, Fernanda F. Araujo, Priscila C. S. Araújo, Reisla Oliveira, Clemens Schlindwein, Eric J. Warrant, Stefan Dötterl, Isabel Alves-dos-Santos
Nachtaktive Bienen als Bestäuber
A Simple Denoising Algorithm for Real-World Noisy Camera Images
von: Manfred Hartbauer
Nachtaktive Bienen inspirieren Bildrauschen
Dim-light colour vision in the facultatively nocturnal Asian giant honeybee, Apis dorsata
von: Sajesh Vijayan, G. S. Balamurali, Jewel Johnson, Almut Kelber, Eric J. Warrant, Hema Somanathan
Nachtaktive Honigbienen
Seek and you shall find: An assessment of the influence of the analytical methodologies on pesticide occurrences in honey bee-collected pollen with a systematic review
von: Gioele Toselli, Fabio Sgolastra
Nachweisgrenzen in manchen Studien höher als toxische Dosis für Honigbienen
Floral richness and seasonality influences bee and non-bee flower interactions in urban community gardens
von: Julia Marion Schmack, Monika Egerer
Nahrungsangebot entscheidet über Insektenvielfalt
Pollen and landscape diversity as well as wax moth depredation determine reproductive success of bumblebees in agricultural landscapes
von: Sandra Elena Schweiger, Nicole Beyer, Annika Louise Hass, Catrin Westphal
Nahrungsvielfalt begrenzt schädliche Einflüsse
Antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against the honeybee pathogens, Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis and their topical toxicity to Apis mellifera adults
von: V. Chaimanee, U. Thongtue, N. Sornmai, S. Songsri, J. S. Pettis
Natürliche Behandlung Amerikanischer Faulbrut und Kalkbrut
Agriculturally dominated landscapes reduce bee phylogenetic diversity and pollination services
von: Heather Grab, Michael G. Branstetter, Nolan Amon, Katherine R. Urban-Mead, Mia G. Park, Jason Gibbs, Eleanor J. Blitzer, Katja Poveda, Greg Loeb, Bryan N. Danforth
Natürliche Lebensräume sorgen für bessere Apfelernte
Plant evolution can mediate negative effects from honey bees on wild pollinators
von: James R. D. Milner, Elias H. Bloom, David W. Crowder, Tobin D. Northfield
Negative Effekte von Honigbienen auf Wildbestäuber und Pflanzen
Pesticide reduces bumblebee colony initiation and increases probability of population extinction
von: Gemma L. Baron, Vincent A. A. Jansen, Mark J. F. Brown, Nigel E. Raine
Neonicotinoid Thiamethoxam setzt Hummel-Populationen zu
Can Costs of Pesticide Exposure for Bumblebees Be Balanced by Benefits from a Mass-Flowering Crop?
von: Maj Rundlöf, Ola Lundin
Neonicotinoid Thiacloprid positiv für Hummeln?
Neonicotinoid-induced mortality risk for bees foraging on oilseed rape nectar persists despite EU moratorium
von: Dimitry Wintermantel, Jean-François Odoux, Axel Decourtye, Mickaël Henry, Fabrice Allier, Vincent Bretagnolle
Neonicotinoide auch Jahre nach Anwendungsverbot in der Umwelt
Chronic exposure to neonicotinoids reduces honey bee health near corn crops
von: Nadia Tsvetkov, O. Samson-Robert, K. Sood, H. S. Patel, D. A. Malena, P. H. Gajiwala, P. Maciukiewicz, Valérie Fournier, Amro Zayed
Neonicotinoide führen zu frühem Tod von Arbeiterinnen und Königin
Honey bees and bumble bees may be exposed to pesticides differently when foraging on agricultural areas
von: Elena Zioga, Blánaid White, Jane C. Stout
Neonicotinoide noch immer im Pollen von Bienen
Effects of sublethal doses of clothianidin and/or V. destructor on honey bee (Apis mellifera) self-grooming behavior and associated gene expression
von: Nuria Morfin, Paul H. Goodwin, Greg. J. Hunt, Ernesto Guzman-Novoa
Neonicotinoide reduzieren Varroa-Abwehr
Neonicotinoids disrupt circadian rhythms and sleep in honey bees
von: Michael C. Tackenberg, Manuel A. Giannoni-Guzmán, Erik Sanchez-Perez, Caleb A. Doll, José L. Agosto-Rivera, Kendal Broadie, Darrell Moore, Douglas G. McMahon
Neonicotinoide stören innere Uhr bei Honigbienen
Introduced plants as novel Anthropocene habitats for insects
von: Roberto J. Padovani, Andrew Salisbury, Helen Bostock, David B. Roy, Chris D. Thomas
Neophyten für die einheimische Insektenflora
Optimizing network attacks by artificial bee colony
von: Manuel Lozano, Carlos García-Martínez, Francisco J. Rodríguez, Humberto M. Trujillo
Netzwerk-Angriffe mittels Bienenlogik aufspüren
Symbiosis of Carpenter Bees with Uncharacterized Lactic Acid Bacteria Showing NAD Auxotrophy
von: Shinji Kawasaki, Kaori Ozawa, Tatsunori Mori, Arisa Yamamoto, Midoriko Ito, Moriya Ohkuma, Mitsuo Sakamoto, Minenosuke Matsutani
Neuartige Mikroben bei Holzbienen entdeckt
Hidden diversity in European bees: Andrena amieti sp. n., a new Alpine bee species related to Andrena bicolor (Fabricius, 1775) (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Andrenidae)
von: Christophe Praz, Andreas Müller, David Genoud
Neue alpine Sandbiene entdeckt
A New Species of a Bee of the Genus Sphecodes Latreille (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) from Kazakhstan
von: Yulia V. Astafurova, Maxim Proshchalykin
Neue Blutbienenart in Kasachstan beschrieben
Lasioglossum dorchini (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Halictidae) a new species of bee from Israel
von: Alain Pauly, Karmit Levy, Grégoire Noël, Gontran Sonet, Jean-Luc Boevé, Yael Mandelik
Neue Furchenbiene in Israel entdeckt
A new western Canadian record of Epeoloides pilosulus (Cresson), with discussion of ecological associations, distribution and conservation status in Canada
von: Cory S. Sheffield, Jennifer Heron
Neue Hoffnung für Nordamerikas seltenste Bienenart
Epeolus ladakhensis sp. nov. – a new species of cuckoo bee from India
von: Petr Bogusch
Neue Kuckucksbiene im Museum entdeckt
Sensitivity of Buff-Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L.) to Insecticides with Different Mode of Action
von: Guillermo Cabezas, Gema P. Farinós
Neue Pestizide tödlich für Hummeln
Epidemiology of a major honey bee pathogen, deformed wing virus: potential worldwide replacement of genotype A by genotype B
von: Robert J. Paxton, Marc O. Schäfer, Francesco Nazzi, Virginia Zanni, Desiderato Annoscia, Fabio Marroni, Diane Bigot, Eoin R. Laws-Quinn, Delphine Panziera, Christina Jenkins, Hassan Shafiey
Neue Virusvariante bedroht Bienengesundheit
Anthidium berbericum Pasteels, 1981 and A. atlaskabirense n. sp. (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae: Anthidiini), two endemic pollinators in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco
von: Max Kasparek, Maximilan Schwarz
Neuentdeckte Wollbiene in Marokko
Sepsis and Hemocyte Loss in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Infected with Serratia marcescens Strain Sicaria
von: Nancy L. Burritt, Nicole J. Foss, Eric C. Neeno-Eckwall, James O. Church, Anna M. Hilger, Jacob A. Hildebrand, David M. Warshauer, Nicole T. Perna, James B. Burritt
Neuer Bakterienstamm bei Honigbienen entdeckt
Randomized controlled trial demonstrating the benefits of delta inulin adjuvanted immunotherapy in patients with bee venom allergy
von: Robert Heddle, Anthony Smith, Richard Woodman, Pravin Hissaria, Nikolai Petrovsky
Neuer Impfstoff gegen Bienenstiche gegen allergische Reaktionen
Humidity-tolerant rate-dependent capillary viscous adhesion of bee-collected pollen fluids
von: Donglee Shin, Won Tae Choi, Haisheng Lin, Zihao Qu, Victor Breedveld, J. Carson Meredith
Neuer Superkleber dank Bienen
Novel ollusvirus detected in a solitary wild bee species (Osmia taurus) in Japan
von: Hitoshi Takemae, Yuka Nunomura, Tomoko Yokota, Mami Oba, Tetsuya Mizutani, Wei-Li Hsu, Yoshiko Sakamoto
Neues Ollusvirus bei Mauerbienen entdeckt
Neuroactive metabolites modulated by the gut microbiota in honey bees
von: Amélie Cabirol, Silvia Moriano-Gutierrez, Philipp Engel
Neuroaktive Metaboliten der Mikrobiota bei Honigbienen
Individual variations lead to universal and cross-species patterns of social behavior
von: Sang Hyun Choi, Vikyath D. Rao, Tim Gernat, Adam R. Hamilton, Gene E. Robinson, Nigel Goldenfeld
Nicht alle Honigbienen sind gleichermaßen sozial
Negative effects of urbanisation on diurnal and nocturnal pollen-transport networks
von: Emilie E. Ellis, Jill L. Edmondson, Kathryn H. Maher, Helen Hipperson, Stuart A. Campbell
Nicht nur Bienen, auch Nachtfalter retten
Fragmentation of nest and foraging habitat affects time budgets of solitary bees, their fitness and pollination services, depending on traits: Results from an individual-based model
von: Jeroen Everaars, Josef Settele, Carsten F. Dormann
Nistgelegenheiten in monotonen Landschaften
Nesting of ground-nesting bees in arable fields is not associated with tillage system per se, but with distance to field edge, crop cover, soil and landscape context
von: Philippe Tschanz, Stefan Vogel, Achim Walter, Thomas Keller, Matthias Albrecht
Nisthabitate im Ackerland
Nosema Disease of European Honey Bees
von: Richard Galajda, Alexandra Valenčáková, Monika Sučik, Petra Kandráčová
Nosema bei Europäischen Honigbienen
Rapid imaging, detection, and quantification of Nosema ceranae spores in honey bees using mobile phone-based fluorescence microscopy
von: Jonathan W. Snow, Hatice Ceylan Koydemir, Doruk Kerim Karinca, Kyle Liangus, Derek Tseng, Aydogan Ozcan
Nosema per Mikroskopie mit dem Smartphone auf der Spur
Detection of Microsporidia in Pollinator Communities of a Mediterranean Biodiversity Hotspot for Wild Bees
von: Vicente Martínez-López, Carlos Ruiz, Irene Muñoz, Concepción Ornosa, Mariano Higes, Raquel Martín-Hernández, Pilar De la Rúa
Nosema-Erreger der Honigbienen breitet sich bei Wildbienen aus
Small and Large Bumblebees Invest Differently when Learning about Flowers
von: Elisa Frasnelli, Théo Robert, Pizza Ka Yee Chow, Ben Scales, Sam Gibson, Nicola Manning, Andrew O. Philippides, Thomas S. Collett, Natalie Hempel de Ibarra
Nur große Hummeln erlernen Standorte der besten Blumen
Scale-dependent effectiveness of on-field vs. off-field agri-environmental measures for wild bees
von: Péter Batáry, Teja Tscharntke
Öko-Landbau versus Blühstreifen
