Vorgestellte Studien auf bienen-nachrichten.de

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Studientitel Beitragstitel
Pollinators and plant nurseries: how irrigation and pesticide treatment of native ornamental plants impact solitary bees
von: Jacob M. Cecala, Erin E. Wilson Rankin
Gängige Insektizide sind für Bienen immer schädlich
Managed honey bees as a radar for wild bee decline?
von: T. J. Wood, D. Michez, R. J. Paxton, M. Drossart, P. Neumann, M. Gérard, M. Vanderplanck, A. Barraud, B. Martinet, N. Leclercq, N. J. Vereecken
Geben Honigbienen Hinweise auf Zustand von Wildbienen?
A systematic review of the nesting and overwintering habitat of bumble bees globally
von: Amanda R. Liczner, Sheila R. Colla
Geeignete Lebensräume von Hummeln
Acute effects of the imidacloprid metabolite desnitro-imidacloprid on human nACh receptors relevant for neuronal signaling
von: Dominik Loser, Karin Grillberger, Maria G. Hinojosa, Jonathan Blum, Yves Haufe, Timm Danker, Ylva Johansson, Clemens Möller, Annette Nicke, Susanne H. Bennekou, Iain Gardner, Caroline Bauch, Paul Walker, Anna Forsby, Gerhard F. Ecker, Udo Kraushaar, Marcel Leist
Gefährliches Potential von Neonicotinoiden bei Säugetieren
Bumble bee communities in power‐line clearings: Effects of experimental management practices
von: Mari Steinert, Katrine Eldegard, Markus A. K. Sydenham, Stein R. Moe
Gehölzschnitt hilft seltenen Hummeln
Nesting material, phenology and landscape complexity influence nesting success and parasite infestation of a trap nesting bee
von: Maxime Eeraerts, Rik Clymans, Vincent Van Kerckvoorde, Tim Beliën
Gehörnte Mauerbienen bevorzugen bestimmte Nisthilfen
Social Immunity in Honey Bees: Royal Jelly as a Vehicle in Transferring Bacterial Pathogen Fragments Between Nestmates
von: Gyan Harwood, Heli Salmela, Dalial Freitak, Gro Amdam
Gelée Royale als Transportmittel für Krankheitserreger
How Honeybees Defy Gravity with Royal Jelly to Raise Queens
von: Anja Buttstedt, Carmen I. Mureşan, Hauke Lilie, Gerd Hause, Christian H. Ihling, Stefan-H. Schulze, Markus Pietzsch, Robin F.A. Moritz
Gelée royale heftet Königinnen in der Weiselzelle an
Honey bee Royalactin unlocks conserved pluripotency pathway in mammals
von: Derrick C. Wan, Stefanie L. Morgan, Andrew L. Spencley, Natasha Mariano, Erin Y. Chang, Gautam Shankar, Yunhai Luo, Ted H. Li, Dana Huh, Star K. Huynh, Jasmine M. Garcia, Cole M. Dovey, Jennifer Lumb, Ling Liu, Katharine V. Brown, Abel Bermudez, Richard Luong, Hong Zeng, Victoria L. Mascetti, Sharon J. Pitteri, Jordon Wang, Hua Tu, Marco Quarta, Vittorio Sebastiano, Roel Nusse, Thomas A. Rando, Jan E. Carette, J. Fernando Bazan, Kevin C. Wang
Gelée royale programmiert Stammzellen bei Säugetieren
A Single Gene Causes Thelytokous Parthenogenesis, the Defining Feature of the Cape Honeybee Apis mellifera capensis
von: Boris Yagound, Kathleen A. Dogantzis, Amro Zayed, Julianne Lim, Paul Broekhuyse, Emily J. Remnant, Madeleine Beekman, Michael H. Allsopp, Sarah E. Aamidor, Orly Dim, Gabriele Buchmann, Benjamin P. Oldroyd
Gen bei Honigbienen entdeckt, das Jungfernzeugung möglich macht
A single SNP turns a social honey bee (Apis mellifera) worker into a selfish parasite
von: Denise Aumer, Eckart Stolle, Michael Allsopp, Fiona Mumoki, Christian W. W. Pirk, Robin F. A. Moritz
Gen macht Honigbienen zu Sozialparasiten
Honey bee genetics shape the strain-level structure of gut microbiota in social transmission
von: Jiaqiang Wu, Haoyu Lang, Xiaohuan Mu, Zijing Zhang, Qinzhi Su, Xiaosong Hu, Hao Zheng
Genetik beeinflusst Mikrobiota
A genetic switch for worker nutrition-mediated traits in honeybees
von: Annika Roth, Christina Vleurinck, Oksana Netschitailo, Vivien Bauer, Marianne Otte, Osman Kaftanoglu, Robert E. Page, Martin Beye
Genetischer Umschalter führt zur Königin
Rapid breeding of parthenocarpic tomato plants using CRISPR/Cas9
von: Risa Ueta, Chihiro Abe, Takahito Watanabe, Shigeo S. Sugano, Ryosuke Ishihara, Hiroshi Ezura, Yuriko Osakabe, Keishi Osakabe
Genmanipulierte Pflanzen benötigen keine Bestäuber
Digging into the Genomic Past of Swiss Honey Bees by Whole-Genome Sequencing Museum Specimens
von: Melanie Parejo, David Wragg, Dora Henriques, Jean-Daniel Charrière, Andone Estonba
Genomanalyse Schweizer Honigbienen
qPCR assays with dual-labeled probes for genotyping honey bee variants associated with varroa resistance
von: David Claeys Boúúaert, Mario Van Poucke, Lina De Smet, Wim Verbeke, Dirk C. de Graaf, Luc Peelman
Genotypisierung Varroa-resistenter Honigbienen
Male and female bees show large differences in floral preference
von: Michael Roswell, Jonathan Dushoff, Rachael Winfree
Geschlechterspezifische Blütenpflanzen
Bumblebees Express Consistent, but Flexible, Speed-Accuracy Tactics Under Different Levels of Predation Threat
von: Mu-Yun Wang, Lars Chittka, Thomas C. Ings
Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit bei Hummeln
In vitro larval rearing method of eusocial bumblebee Bombus terrestris for toxicity test
von: Yuto Kato, Shingo Kikuta, Seth M. Barribeau, Maki N. Inoue
Gesunde Hummeln benötigen hochwertige Nahrung
The bumble bee microbiome increases survival of beesexposed to selenate toxicity
von: Jason A. Rothman, Laura Leger, Peter Graystock, Kaleigh Russell, Quinn S. McFrederick
Gesundes Mikrobiom hilft Hummeln gegen Selen
Glyphosate impairs collective thermoregulation in bumblebees
von: Anja Weidemüller, Andrea Meltzer, Stefanie Neupert, Alica Schwarz, Christoph Kleineidam
Glyphosat beeinträchtigt Brutpflege bei Hummeln
Glyphosate inhibits melanization and increases susceptibility to infection in insects
von: Daniel F. Q. Smith, Emma Camacho, Raviraj Thakur, Alexander J. Barron, Yuemei Dong, George Dimopoulos, Nichole A. Broderick, Arturo Casadevall
Glyphosat beeinträchtigt Immunsystem von Insekten
Is glyphosate toxic to bees? A meta-analytical review
von: Lucas Battisti, Michele Potrich, Amanda Roberta Sampaio, Nédia de Castilhos Ghisi, Fabiana Martins Costa-Maia, Raiza Abati, Claudia Bueno dos Reis Martinez, Silvia Helena Sofia
Glyphosat erhöht Bienensterblichkeit
abolishes mutualistic benefit on cuticle synthesis in Oryzaephilus surinamensis
von: Julian Simon Thilo Kiefer, Suvdanselengee Batsukh, Eugen Bauer, Bin Hirota, Benjamin Weiss, Jürgen C. Wierz, Takema Fukatsu, Martin Kaltenpoth, Tobias Engl
Glyphosat hemmt symbiotische Bakterien bei Insekten
Glyphosate commercial formulation negatively affects the reproductive success of solitary wild bees in a Pampean agroecosystem
von: Sofia Graffigna, Hugo J. Marrero, Juan P. Torretta
Glyphosat mit negativen Folgen für Solitärbienen
Antibacterial and antioxidant activity of different types of honey derived from Mount Olympus in Greece
von: Dimitrios Stagos, Nikolaos Soulitsiotis, Christina Tsadila, Stamatina Papaeconomou, Charalampos Arvanitis, Alexandros Ntontos, Fani Karkanta, Soultana Adamou-Androulaki, Konstantinos Petrotos, Demetrios A. Spandidos, Demetrios Kouretas, Dimitris Mossialos
Griechischer Honig besser als Manuka-Honig
Responsiveness to inhibitory signals changes as a function of colony size in honeybees (Apis mellifera)
von: Heather C. Bell, Kevin Hsiung, Patrick Pasberg, Frédéric D. Broccard, James C. Nieh
Größe für Superorganismus Honigbiene entscheidend
Onset of morning activity in bumblebee foragers under natural low light conditions
von: Katie Hall, Théo Robert, Kevin J. Gaston, Natalie Hempel de Ibarra
Große Hummeln sind Frühaufsteher
Admixture in Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera) from Panamá to San Diego, California (U.S.A.)
von: Daniela Zárate, Thiago G. Lima, Jude D. Poole, Erin Calfee, Ronald S. Burton, Joshua R. Kohn
Große Unterschiede bei Afrikanisierten Honigbienen
Anthidium manicatum, an invasive bee, excludes a native bumble bee, Bombus impatiens, from floral resources
von: Kelsey K. Graham, Katherine Eaton, Isabel Obrien, Philip T. Starks
Große Wollbiene als invasive Art macht Druck
Wild bees in urban grasslands: Urbanisation, functional diversity and species traits
von: Sascha Buchholz, Anika K. Gathof, Anita J. Grossmann, Ingo Kowarik, Leonie K. Fischer
Grünflächen in Städten müssen für Wildbienen verbunden sein
DWV-A Lethal to Honey Bees (Apis mellifera): A Colony Level Survey of DWV Variants (A, B, and C) in England, Wales, and 32 States across the US
von: Jessica L. Kevill, Flaviane S. de Souza, Christopher Sharples, Randy Oliver, Declan C. Schroeder, Stephen J. Martin
Gutes und schlechtes Flügeldeformationsvirus?
The first gynandromorph of the Neotropical bee Megalopta amoena (Spinola, 1853) (Halictidae) with notes on its circadian rhythm
von: Erin Krichilsky, Álvaro Vega-Hidalgo, Kate Hunter, Callum Kingwell, Chelsey Ritner, William Wcislo, Adam Smith
Halb männliche, halb weibliche Biene
Disorder in convergent floral nanostructures enhances signalling to bees
von: Edwige Moyroud, Tobias Wenzel, Rox Middleton, Paula J. Rudall, Hannah Banks, Alison Reed, Greg Mellers, Patrick Killoran, M. Murphy Westwood, Ullrich Steiner, Silvia Vignolini, Beverley J. Glover
Halo-Effekt als Wegweiser für Bienen
Pesticide use negatively affects bumble bees across European landscapes
von: Charlie C. Nicholson, Jessica Knapp, Tomasz Kiljanek, Matthias Albrecht, Marie-Pierre Chauzat, Cecilia Costa, Pilar De la Rúa, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Marika Mänd, Simon G. Potts, Oliver Schweiger, Irene Bottero, Elena Cini, Joachim R. de Miranda, Gennaro Di Prisco, Christophe Dominik, Simon Hodge, Vera Kaunath, Anina Knauer, Marion Laurent, Vicente Martínez-López, Piotr Medrzycki, Maria Helena Pereira-Peixoto, Risto Raimets, Janine M. Schwarz, Deepa Senapathi, Giovanni Tamburini, Mark J. F. Brown, Jane C. Stout, Maj Rundlöf
Häufig verwendete Pestizide schaden Hummeln
Flagellum Removal by a Nectar Metabolite Inhibits Infectivity of a Bumblebee Parasite
von: Hauke Koch, James Woodward, Moses K. Langat, Mark J. F. Brown, Philip C. Stevenson
Heidekraut schützt Hummeln vor Parasiten
Investigating the viral ecology of global bee communities with high-throughput metagenomics
von: David A. Galbraith, Zachary L. Fuller, Allyson M. Ray, Axel Brockmann, Maryann Frazier, Mary W. Gikungu, J. Francisco Iturralde Martinez, Karen M. Kapheim, Jeffrey T. Kerby, Sarah D. Kocher, Oleksiy Losyev, Elliud Muli, Harland M. Patch, Cristina Rosa, Joyce M. Sakamoto, Scott Stanley, Anthony D. Vaudo, Christina M. Grozinger
Hinweise für 27 neue Viren bei Honigbienen
Pollen analysis using multispectral imaging flow cytometry and deep learning
von: Susanne Dunker, Elena Motivans, Demetra Rakosy, David Boho, Patrick Mäder, Thomas Hornick, Tiffany M. Knight
Hochgeschwindigkeitsbestimmung von Blütenpollen
Vom Winde verweht
Hohe Abdrift von Pestiziden belastet Umwelt
Wild Bee Pollination Networks in Northern New England
von: Erika M. Tucker, Sandra M. Rehan
Hohe Artenvielfalt in New Hampshire
Dynamic evolution in the key honey bee pathogen deformed wing virus: Novel insights into virulence and competition using reverse genetics
von: Eugene V. Ryabov, Anna K. Childers, Dawn Lopez, Kyle Grubbs, Francisco Posada-Florez, Daniel Weaver, William Girten, Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Yanping Chen, Jay D. Evans
Hohe genetische Vielfalt beim Flügeldeformationsvirus
Hydroxymethylfurfural Affects Caged Honey Bees (Apis mellifera carnica)
von: Aleš Gregorc, Snežana Jurišić, Blair Sampson
Hohe HMF-Konzentrationen belasten Honigbienen
Honey as a biomonitor for a changing world
von: Kate E. Smith, Dominique Weis, Marghaleray Amini, Alyssa E. Shiel, Vivian W.-M. Lai, Kathy Gordon
Honig als urbane Schadstoff-Messstationen
Long-term changes in naturally produced honey depending on processing and temperature
von: Jens Radtke, Birgit Lichtenberg-Kraag
Honig richtig lagern
Protective Effect of Honey and Propolis against Gentamicin-Induced Oxidative Stress and Hepatorenal Damages
von: Hassan Laaroussi, Meryem Bakour, Driss Ousaaid, Pedro Ferreira-Santos, Zlatina Genisheva, Asmae El Ghouizi, Abderrazak Aboulghazi, José Antonio Teixeira, Badiaa Lyoussi
Honig und Propolis schützen gegen Nebenwirkungen von Gentamicin
Disentangling metabolic functions of bacteria in the honey bee gut
von: Lucie Kešnerová, Ruben A. T. Mars, Kirsten M. Ellegaard, Michaël Troilo, Uwe Sauer, Philipp Engel
Honig unterstützt Verdauung pollenreicher Nahrung
Therapeutic Properties of Honey for the Management of Wounds; Is There a Role in the Armamentarium of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment? Results From In vitro and In vivo Studies
von: Ioanna A. Anastasiou, Ioanna Eleftheriadou, Anastasios Tentolouris, Georgia Samakidou, Nikolaos Papanas, Nikolaos Tentolouris
Honig zur Wundbehandlung
Cytotoxicity effect of honey, bee pollen, and propolis from seven stingless bees in some cancer cell lines
von: Enos Tangke Arung, Rico Ramadhan, Binti Khairunnisa, Yhiya Amen, Masako Matsumoto, Maki Nagata, Irawan Wijaya Kusuma, Swandari Paramita, Sukemi, Yadi, Nataniel Tandirogang, Naomichi Takemoto, Syafrizal, Yong-ung Kim, Kuniyoshi Shimizu
Honig, Pollen und Propolis zur Krebsbekämpfung
Interactions between the introduced European honey bee and native bees in urban areas varies by year, habitat type and native bee guild
von: Kit Stasia Prendergast, Kingsley W. Dixon, Philip W. Bateman
Honigbienen als Bedrohung für endemische Bienen
Honey bees are important pollinators of South African blueberries despite their inability to sonicate
von: Keanu Martin, Bruce Anderson, Corneile Minnaar, Marinus de Jager
Honigbienen als Bestäuber von Blaubeeren
