Vorgestellte Studien auf bienen-nachrichten.de

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Studientitel Beitragstitel
Synthetic and natural acaricides impair hygienic and foraging behaviors of honey bees
von: Hanan A. Gashout, Ernesto Guzman-Novoa, Paul H. Goodwin
Auswirkungen von Akariziden auf Hygiene- und Sammelverhalten bei Honigbienen
Bees and pesticides: the research impact and scientometrics relations
von: Raiza Abati, Amanda Roberta Sampaio, Rodrigo Mendes Antunes Maciel, Fernanda Caroline Colombo, Gabriela Libardoni, Lucas Battisti, Everton Ricardi Lozano, Nédia de Castilhos Ghisi, Fabiana Martins Costa-Maia, Michele Potrich
Auswirkungen von Bienen und Pestiziden auf Forschungsarbeiten
Effect of diet on incipient colony success for two long-tongued bumblebee species in the laboratory
von: J. D. Carnell, R. A. Hulse, Dave Goulson, W. O. H. Hughes
Auswirkungen von Ernährungsstress bei Hummeln artspezifisch
Examining the individual and additive effects of cold storage and CO2 narcosis on queen survival and reproduction in bumble bees
von: Erin D. Treanore, Etya Amsalem
Auswirkungen von Kälte und CO2 auf die Diapause
Landscape and pesticide effects on honey bees: forager survival and expression of acetylcholinesterase and brain oxidative genes
von: Mohamed Alburaki, Sandra J. Steckel, Deniz Chen, Erin McDermott, Milagra Weiss, John A. Skinner, Heather Kelly, Gus Lorenz, David R. Tarpy, William G. Meikle, John Adamczyk, Scott D. Stewart
Auswirkungen von Landschaft und Pestiziden auf Honigbienen
The effects of artificial rearing environment on the behavior of adult honey bees, Apis mellifera L.
von: Ashley N. Mortensen, James D. Ellis
Auswirkungen von Pestiziden auf Honigbienen besser verstehen
Long-term experimental drought alters floral scent and pollinator visits in a Mediterranean plant community despite overall limited impacts on plant phenotype and reproduction
von: Coline C. Jaworski, Benoît Geslin, Marie Zakardjian, Caroline Lecareux, Pauline Caillault, Gabriel Nève, Jean-Yves Meunier, Sylvie Dupouyet, Aoife C. T. Sweeney, Owen T. Lewis, Lynn V. Dicks, Catherine Fernandez
Auswirkungen zunehmender Trockenheit auf Bestäuber
Nectar bacteria stimulate pollen germination and bursting to enhance microbial fitness
von: Shawn M. Christensen, Ivan Munkres, Rachel L. Vannette
Bakterien in Blüten fördern Keimung von Pollen
Honey-bee–associated prokaryotic viral communities reveal wide viral diversity and a profound metabolic coding potential
von: Ward Deboutte, Leen Beller, Claude Kwe Yinda, Piet Maes, Dirk C. de Graaf, Jelle Matthijnssens
Bakteriophagen bei Honigbienen
Trees for bees
von: Philip Donkersley
Bäume und Hecken für Bestäubervielfalt
Contribution of European forests to safeguard wild honeybee populations
von: Fabrice Requier, Yoan Paillet, Fabien Laroche, Benjamin Rutschmann, Jie Zhang, Fabio Lombardi, Miroslav Svoboda, Ingolf Steffan‐Dewenter
Baumhöhlen für wilde Honigbienen
A global review demonstrating the importance of nocturnal pollinators for crop plants
von: Max N. Buxton, Anne C. Gaskett, Janice M. Lord, David E. Pattemore
Bedeutung nachtaktiver Bestäuber weitgehend unklar
‘Bee Hotels’ as Tools for Native Pollinator Conservation: A Premature Verdict?
von: J. Scott MacIvor, Laurence Packer
Bee-washing mit Bienenhotels?
Examining the public's awareness of bee (Hymenoptera: Apoidae: Anthophila) conservation in Canada
von: Nyssa van Vierssen Trip, Victoria J. MacPhail, Sheila R. Colla, Beatrice Olivastri
Begrenztes Wissen über Bienen
Roundup causes high levels of mortality following contact exposure in bumble bees
von: Edward A. Straw, Edward N. Carpentier, Mark J. F. Brown
Beistoffe in kommerziellen Fungiziden müssen reguliert werden
Accelerated landings in stingless bees are triggered by visual threshold cues
von: Pierre Tichit, Isabel Alves-dos-Santos, Marie Dacke, Emily Baird
Beschleunigung trotz Landeanflug
Honey bee colony performance and health are enhanced by apiary proximity to US Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands
von: Vincent A. Ricigliano, Brendon M. Mott, Patrick W. Maes, Amy S. Floyd, William Fitz, Duan C. Copeland, William G. Meikle, Kirk E. Anderson
Besser keine Monokulturen
Nesting habitat enhancement for wild bees within soybean fields increases crop production
von: Michael J. Cunningham-Minnick, Valerie E. Peters, Thomas O. Crist
Bessere Bestäubung bei Soja-Pflanzen
Fruit quantity and quality of strawberries benefit from enhanced pollinator abundance at hedgerows in agricultural landscapes
von: Denise Castle, Ingo Grass, Catrin Westphal
Bessere Bestäubung dank Hecken
Bumble bees show an induced preference for flowers when primed with caffeinated nectar and a target floral odor
von: Sarah E. J. Arnold, Jan-Hendrik Dudenhöffer, Michelle T. Fountain, Katie L. James, David R. Hall, Dudley I. Farman, Felix L. Wäckers, Philip C. Stevenson
Bessere Bestäubung nach Koffein
Mason bees and honey bees synergistically enhance fruit set in sweet cherry orchards
von: Julia Osterman, Frances Benton, Sara Hellström, Meike Luderer-Pflimpfl, Ann-Kathrin Pöpel-Eisenbrandt, Bilyana Stoykova Wild, Panagiotis Theodorou, Christin Ulbricht, Robert J. Paxton
Bessere Kirschernte durch Honig- und Mauerbienen
Drawbacks and benefits of hygienic behavior in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.): a review
von: Gil Leclercq, Bart Pannebakker, Nicolas Gengler, Bach Kim Nguyen, Frédéric Francis
Besseres Hygieneverhalten bei Honigbienen lohnt sich
Experimental evidence of pollination in marine flowers by invertebrate fauna
von: Brigitta I. van Tussenbroek, Nora Villamil, Judith Márquez-Guzmán, Ricardo Wong, L. Verónica Monroy-Velázquez, Vivianne Solis-Weiss
Bestäuber der Unterwasserwelt
Honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) outnumber native bees in Tasmanian apple orchards: Perspectives for balancing crop production and native bee conservation
von: Kit Stasia Prendergast, Nicolas Leclercq, Nicolas J. Vereecken
Bestäuber in Apfelplantagen
Experimental loss of generalist plants reveals alterations in plant-pollinator interactions and a constrained flexibility of foraging
von: Paolo Biella, Asma Akter, Jeff Ollerton, Sam Tarrant, Štěpán Janeček, Jana Jersáková, Jan Klecka
Bestäuber ohne Blütenpflanzen
The Effects of Flower Patch Density on Pollinator Visitation
von: Tristan A. Barley, Michael G. Martinez Algarin, Jonathan T. Bauer
Bestäuber verhalten sich komplex
Why is arabica coffee visited by so few non‐Apis bees in its native range?
von: Ulrika Samnegård
Bestäuber von Arabica-Kaffee im natürlichen Lebensraum
Bee pollination outperforms pesticides for oilseed crop production and profitability
von: Rui Catarino, Vincent Bretagnolle, Thomas Perrot, Fabien Vialloux, Sabrina Gaba
Bestäubung durch Bienen steigert Raps-Ernte
Effects of competition and climate on a crop pollinator community
von: Anders Nielsen, Trond Reitan, Andreas W. Rinvoll, Anne K. Brysting
Bestäubung fast im Alleingang
Urban areas as hotspots for bees and pollination but not a panacea for all insects
von: Panagiotis Theodorou, Rita Radzevičiūtė, Guillaume Lentendu, Belinda Kahnt, Martin Husemann, Christoph Bleidorn, Josef Settele, Oliver Schweiger, Ivo Grosse, Tesfaye Wubet, Tomás E. Murray, Robert J. Paxton
Bestäubung in Städten besser als auf dem Land
Stingless bee honey, a novel source of trehalulose: a biologically active disaccharide with health benefits
von: Mary T. Fletcher, Natasha L. Hungerford, Dennis Webber, Matheus Carpinelli de Jesus, Jiali Zhang, Isobella S. J. Stone, Joanne T. Blanchfield, Norhasnida Zawawi
Bester Honig von Stachellosen Bienen
Different visitation frequencies of native and non-native bees to vines: how much vegetation is necessary to improve fruit production?
von: G. J. Baronio, C. S. Souza, N. N. A. Silva, N. P. Moura, A. V. Leite, A. M. M. Santos, M. I. S. Maciel, C. C. Castro
Besuchshäufigkeit von Bienen an Wildreben
Eucera bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Eucerini) preserved in their brood cells from late Holocene (middle Neoglacial) palaeosols of southwest Portugal
von: Carlos Neto de Carvalho, Andrea Baucon, Davide Badano, Pedro Proença Cunha, Cristiana Ferreira, Silvério Figueiredo, Fernando Muñiz, João Belo, Federico Bernardini, Mário Cachão
Bienen aus der Zeit der Pharaonen entdeckt
Foraging distances, habitat preferences and seasonal colony performance of honeybees in Central European forest landscapes
von: Benjamin Rutschmann, Patrick L. Kohl, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter
Bienen benötigen diverse Wälder
Beyond flowers: including non-floral resources in bee conservation schemes
von: Fabrice Requier, Sara D. Leonhardt
Bienen brauchen mehr als Blüten
Forest bees are replaced in agricultural and urban landscapes by native species with different phenologies and life-history traits
von: Tina Harrison, Jason Gibbs, Rachael Winfree
Bienen des Waldes verschwinden in Stadt und Land
Identifying regions of risk to honey bees from Zika vector control in the USA
von: Lewis J. Bartlett, Colin J. Carlson, Mike Boots
Bienen durch Pestizid gegen Zika-Virus gefährdet
Bee discovery suggests the importance of urban gardens in a changing world
von: Monika Egerer
Bienen entdecken städtische Gärten als neue Lebensräume
Bees remember flowers for more than one reason: pollen mediates associative learning
von: Felicity Muth, Daniel R. Papaj, Anne S. Leonard
Bienen erlernen Pollenquellen
Mapping the effects of ozone pollution and mixing on floral odour plumes and their impact on plant-pollinator interactions
von: Ben Langford, James M. W. Ryalls, Neil J. Mullinger, Paul Hayden, Eiko Nemitz, Christian Pfrang, Alan Robins, Dalila Touhami, Lisa M. Bromfield, Robbie D. Girling
Bienen finden wegen Luftverschmutzung keine Blüten
Mechanical buckling can pattern the light-diffracting cuticle of Hibiscus trionum
von: Chiara A. Airoldi, Carlos A. Lugo, Raymond Wightman, Beverley J. Glover, Sarah Robinson
Bienen fliegen auch auf schillernde Muster
Surveillance for Avocado Sunblotch Viroid Utilizing the European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
von: John M. K. Roberts, Anna E. C. Jooste, Lara-Simone Pretorius, Andrew D. W. Geering
Bienen fliegen für Biosicherheit von Avocados
Narrow anthropogenic linear corridors increase the abundance, diversity, and movement of bees in boreal forests
von: Connor J. Nelson, Carol M. Frost, Scott E. Nielsen
Bienen fliegen vermehrt in Wald-Korridoren
Bees of the Victorian Alps: Network structure and interactions of introduced species
von: Lucy G. Johanson, Ary A. Hoffmann, Ken L. Walker, Michael A. Nash
Bienen in den australischen Alpen
Understanding innate preferences of wild bee species: responses to wavelength-dependent selective excitation of blue and green photoreceptor types
von: Oksana Ostroverkhova, Gracie Galindo, Claire Lande, Julie Kirby, Melissa Scherr, George Hoffman, Sujaya Rao
Bienen lieben blaues fluoreszierendes Licht bestimmter Wellenlänge
Pollen Protein: Lipid Macronutrient Ratios May Guide Broad Patterns of Bee Species Floral Preferences
von: Anthony D. Vaudo, John F. Tooker, Harland M. Patch, David J. Biddinger, Michael Coccia, Makaylee K. Crone, Mark Fiely, Jacob S. Francis, Heather M. Hines, Mackenzie Hodges, Stephanie W. Jackson, Denis Michez, Junpeng Mu, Laura Russo, Maliheh Safari, Erin D. Treanore, Maryse Vanderplanck, Eric Yip, Anne S. Leonard, Christina M. Grozinger
Bienen mit bevorzugtem Verhältnis von Pollen zu Lipiden
Sweat bees on hot chillies: provision of pollination services by native bees in traditional slash-and-burn agriculture in the Yucatán Peninsula of tropical Mexico
von: Patricia Landaverde-González, José Javier G. Quezada-Euán, Panagiotis Theodorou, Tomás E. Murray, Martin Husemann, Ricardo Ayala, Humberto Moo-Valle, Rémy Vandame, Robert J. Paxton
Bienen profitieren von moderater Brandrodung
Congregations of tear drinking bees at human eyes: Foraging strategies for an invaluable resource by Lisotrigona in Thailand (Apidae, Meliponini)
von: Hans Bänziger
Bienen sammeln zielgerichtet Tränenflüssigkeit
Bee pollination increases yield quantity and quality of cash crops in Burkina Faso, West Africa
von: Katharina Stein, Drissa Coulibaly, Kathrin Stenchly, Dethardt Goetze, Stefan Porembski, André Lindner, Souleymane Konaté, Eduard K. Linsenmair
Bienen sind auf der ganzen Welt bedroht
Venomous bites and stings 2017–18
Bienen sorgen für die meisten Krankenhausaufenthalte
