Black queen cell virus detected in Canadian mosquitoes
von: Cole Baril, Christophe M. R. LeMoine, Bryan J. Cassone |
Honigbienenvirus bei Moskitos nachgewiesen |
Honey from Tiúba stingless bees (Melipona fasciculata) produced in different ecosystems: physical and sensory studies
von: Rachel Torquato Fernandes, Ivone Garros Rosa, Ana Carolina Conti‐Silva |
Honige Stachelloser Melipona-Bienen im Vergleich |
Quality of honey from Tubuna bees (Scaptotrigona bipunctata) fresh, thermally treated and during storage
von: Aline Danielle Di Paula Silva Rodrigues, Gabrielle da Graça Hagy de Oliveira, Ana Flávia Mendonça Santos, Schaina Andriela Pontarollo Etgeton, Anne Caroline Rodrigues Silva, Renata Túlio Küster Bernardo dos Anjos, Lais de Oliveira Seiscentos, Lize Stangarlin Fiori, Suelen Ávila, Sila Mary Rodrigues Ferreira |
Honigqualität Stachelloser Bienen |
Simulation of Spring Aggregation of Bees in Hives with Large Daily Fluctuations in Outdoor Temperature
von: S. V. Oskin, D. A. Ovsyannikov |
Honigreserven mildern Temperaturschwankungen im Winter |
Neonicotinoids in excretion product of phloem-feeding insects kill beneficial insects
von: Miguel Calvo-Agudo, Joel González-Cabrera, Yolanda Picó, Pau Calatayud-Vernich, Alberto Urbaneja, Marcel Dicke, Alejandro Tena |
Honigtau als tödlich Nahrungsquelle |
Get Carder! Improving Sea Walls for Declining Bumblebees in England
von: Tim Gardiner, Kimberley Fargeaud |
Hummel- und Hochwasserschutz |
Workers dominate male production in the neotropical bumblebee Bombus wilmattae (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
von: Anett Huth-Schwarz, Adolfo León, Rémy Vandame, Robin F. A. Moritz, Frank Bernhard Kraus |
Hummel-Arbeiterinnern sorgen für Drohnen-Nachwuchs |
Narrow pollen diets are associated with declining Midwestern bumble bee species
von: Thomas J. Wood, Jason Gibbs, Kelsey K. Graham, Rufus Isaacs |
Hummel-Bestände sinken |
Nectar preferences in male bumblebees
von: M. Brown, M. J. F. Brown |
Hummel-Drohnen sammeln anderen Nektar als Arbeiterinnen |
Effects of neonicotinoid insecticide exposure and monofloral diet on nest-founding bumblebee queens
von: Mar Leza, Kristal M. Watrous, Jade Bratu, S. Hollis Woodard |
Hummel-Königinnen durch Insektizide und weniger Blumenvielfalt gefährdet |
Harmonic radar tracking reveals random dispersal pattern of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) queens after hibernation
von: James C. Makinson, Joseph L. Woodgate, Andy Reynolds, Elizabeth A. Capaldi, Clint J. Perry, Lars Chittka |
Hummel-Königinnen im Frühjahr |
The economic cost of losing native pollinator species for orchard production
von: Néstor Pérez‐Méndez, Georg K. S. Andersson, Fabrice Requier, Juliana Hipólito, Marcelo A. Aizen, Carolina L. Morales, Nancy García, Gerardo P. Gennari, Lucas A. Garibaldi |
Hummel-Populationen erhöhen Apfel-Erträge deutlich |
Bumblebees of the Azores (Apidae: Bombus)
von: Oliver E. Prŷs-Jones, Paul H. Williams, James C. Carolan |
Hummelarten der Azoren |
Male bumblebees, Bombus terrestris, perform equally well as workers in a serial colour-learning task
von: Stephan Wolf, Lars Chittka |
Hummeldrohnen lernen ebenso wie Arbeiterinnern |
Bees with attitude: the effects of directed gusts on flight trajectories
von: Timothy Jakobi, Dmitry Kolomenskiy, Teruaki Ikeda, Simon Watkins, Alex Fisher, Hao Liu, Sridhar Ravi |
Hummelflug als Vorbild |
Impact of air pollution on buff-tailed bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) and their gut microbiome
von: Hannah Sampson, Julian Ketley, Eamonn Mallon, Julie Morrissey |
Hummeln bekommen Luftverschmutzung zu spüren |
Re-evaluation of a method used to study nutritional effects on bumble bees
von: Enya Wynants, Felix Wäckers, Annette Van Oystaeyen |
Hummeln brauchen proteinreichen Pollen |
Floral vibrations by buzz-pollinating bees achieve higher frequency, velocity and acceleration than flight and defence vibrations
von: David J. Pritchard, Mario Vallejo-Marín |
Hummeln brummen bei der Bestäubung besonders laut |
Bumble bees display cross-modal object recognition between visual and tactile senses
von: Cwyn Solvi, Selene Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, Lars Chittka |
Hummeln erleben die Welt mit allen Sinnen |
Bumble bee (Bombus) distribution and diversity in Vermont, USA: a century of change
von: Leif L. Richardson, Kent P. McFarland, Sara Zahendra, Spencer Hardy |
Hummeln im US-Bundesstaat Vermont im Sinkflug |
Distribution of bumblebees across Europe
von: Chiara Polce, Joachim Maes, Xavier Rotllan-Puig, Denis Michez, Leopoldo Castro, Bjorn Cederberg, Libor Dvorak, Úna Fitzpatrick, Frédéric Francis, Johann Neumayer, Aulo Manino, Juho Paukkunen, Tadeusz Pawlikowski, Stuart Paul Masson Roberts, Jakub Straka, Pierre Rasmont |
Hummeln in Europa |
Chernobyl-level radiation exposure damages bumblebee reproduction: a laboratory experiment
von: Katherine E. Raines, Penelope R. Whitehorn, David Copplestone, Matthew C. Tinsley |
Hummeln leiden unter radioaktiver Strahlung |
Bumblebees acquire alternative puzzle-box solutions via social learning
von: Alice D. Bridges, HaDi MaBouDi, Olga Procenko, Charlotte Lockwood, Yaseen Mohammed, Amelia Kowalewska, José Eric Romero González, Joseph L. Woodgate, Lars Chittka |
Hummeln lernen durch Beobachten |
Using ITS2 metabarcoding and microscopy to analyse shifts in pollen diets of honey bees and bumble bees along a mass‐flowering crop gradient
von: Svenja Bänsch, Teja Tscharntke, Röbbe Wünschiers, Leonie Netter, Bertram Brenig, Doreen Gabriel, Catrin Westphal |
Hummeln lieben abwechslungsreiche Ernährung |
Bumblebees negotiate a trade-off between nectar quality and floral biomechanics
von: Jonathan G. Pattrick, Hamish A. Symington, Walter Federle, Beverley J. Glover |
Hummeln maximieren Energieertrag |
Best be(e) on low fat: linking nutrient perception, regulation and fitness
von: Fabian A. Ruedenauer, David Raubenheimer, Daniela Kessner‐Beierlein, Nils Grund‐Mueller, Lisa Noack, Johannes Spaethe, Sara Diana Leonhardt |
Hummeln meiden Fett |
Functional groups of wild bees respond differently to faba bean Vicia faba L. cultivation at landscape scale
von: Nicole Beyer, Doreen Gabriel, Felix Kirsch, Katharina Schulz‐Kesting, Jens Dauber, Catrin Westphal |
Hummeln profitieren vom Ackerbohnenanbau |
Lower bumblebee colony reproductive success in agricultural compared with urban environments
von: Ash E. Samuelson, Richard J. Gill, Mark J. F. Brown, Ellouise Leadbeater |
Hummeln sind lieber in der Stadt |
Historical and citizen-reported data show shifts in bumblebee phenology over the last century in Sweden
von: Maria Blasi, Romain Carrié, Christoffer Fägerström, Emma Svensson, Anna S. Persson |
Hummeln starten immer früher ins Jahr |
Bumble bees damage plant leaves and accelerate flower production when pollen is scarce
von: Foteini G. Pashalidou, Harriet Lambert, Thomas Peybernes, Mark C. Mescher, Consuelo M. De Moraes |
Hummeln treiben Pflanzen zur Blüte |
Bumble bee forager abundance on lowland heaths is predicated by specific floral availasbility rather than the presence of honey bee foragers: evidence for forage resource partitioning
von: Elizabeth Franklin, Tadhg Carroll, Debborah Blake, Kate Rickard, Anita Diaz |
Hummeln und Honigbienen in der Heide |
Bombus terrestris in a mass‐flowering pollinator‐dependent crop: A mutualistic relationship?
von: Jessica L. Knapp, Matthias A. Becher, Charlotte C. Rankin, Grace Twiston‐Davies, Juliet L. Osborne |
Hummeln und Zucchini |
Variance in heat tolerance in bumble bees correlates with species geographic range and is associated with several environmental and biological factors
von: Cody Feuerborn, Gabriela Quinlan, Rachael Shippee, Tori L. Strausser, Tatiana Terranova, Christina M. Grozinger, Heather M. Hines |
Hummeln unterschiedlich hitzetolerant |
Bumblebees show cognitive flexibility by improving on an observed complex behavior
von: Olli J. Loukola, Clint J. Perry, Louie Coscos, Lars Chittka |
Hummeln zeigen komplexe Lernmuster beim Ballspielen |
Pollinators in Peril
von: Kelsey Kopec, Lori Ann Burd |
Hunderte endemischer Bienenarten in den USA vom Aussterben bedroht |
Phenology of farmland floral resources reveals seasonal gaps in nectar availability for bumblebees
von: Tom P. Timberlake, I. P. Vaughan, Jane Memmott |
Hungerlücken für Hummeln in der Landwirtschaft |
Nest observations reveal hygienic nest architecture and behavior in an Arctic bumble bee species
von: Leah Valdes, Hailey Scofield |
Hygienischer Nestbau bei Hummeln |
MALDI Imaging Analysis of Neuropeptides in Africanized Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Brain: Effect of Aggressiveness
von: Marcel Pratavieira, Anally Ribeiro da Silva Menegasso, Franciele Grego Esteves, Kenny Umino Sato, Osmar Malaspina, Mario Sergio Palma |
Im Gehirn von Killerbienen |
Bumblebees Exposed to a Neonicotinoid Pesticide Make Suboptimal Foraging Decisions
von: Harry Siviter, Anthony K. Johnson, Felicity Muth |
Imidacloprid beeinträchtigt Nahrungssuche |
Sub-lethal effects of dietary neonicotinoid insecticide exposure on honey bee queen fecundity and colony development
von: Judy Wu-Smart, Marla Spivak |
Imidacloprid schädigt kleine Völker besonders |
Population decline in a ground-nesting solitary squash bee (Eucera pruinosa) following exposure to a neonicotinoid insecticide treated crop (Cucurbita pepo)
von: D. Susan Willis Chan, Nigel E. Raine |
Imidacloprid schädigt Kürbisbienen massiv |
Neonicotinoid-contaminated diet causes behavior changes in forager honey bees (Apis mellifera) that may reduce colony survival during late fall
von: Zuyi C. Gooley, Aaron C. Gooley, John D. Reeve |
Imidacloprid sorgt für Verhaltensänderungen |
High‐dose bee venom exposure induces similar tolerogenic B‐cell responses in allergic patients and healthy beekeepers
von: T. Boonpiyathad, N. Meyer, M. Moniuszko, M. Sokolowska, A. Eljaszewicz, O. F. Wirz, M. M. Tomasiak‐Lozowska, A. Bodzenta‐Lukaszyk, K. Ruxrungtham, W. van de Veen |
Imker helfen Allergikern |
Challenging the sustainability of urban beekeeping using evidence from Swiss cities
von: Joan Casanelles-Abella, Marco Moretti |
Imkerei in Städten schadet Wildbienen & Co |
Component resolution reveals additional major allergens in patients with honeybee venom allergy
von: Julian Köhler, Simon Blank, Sabine Müller, Frank Bantleon, Marcel Frick, Johannes Huss-Marp, Jonas Lidholm, Edzard Spillner, Thilo Jakob |
Immuntherapie gegen Bienengift fehlen mitunter wesentliche Bestandteile |
Floral resource pulse decreases bumble bee foraging trip duration in central Wisconsin agroecosystem
von: Jeremy Hemberger, Claudio Gratton |
In Masse blühende Nutzpflanzen beeinflussen Hummeln |
Unifloral ajwain honey ameliorates differential inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 protein, cytotoxicity, and antioxidant potential
von: Unifloral ajwain honey ameliorates differential inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 protein, cytotoxicity, and antioxidant potential |
Indischer Honig mit krebshemmenden Eigenschaften |
Individual honey bee tracking in a beehive environment using deep learning and Kalman filter
von: Panadda Kongsilp, Unchalisa Taetragool, Orawan Duangphakdee |
Individuelle Verfolgung von Honigbienen |
Pigment-Dispersing Factor-expressing neurons convey circadian information in the honey bee brain
von: Katharina Beer, Esther Kolbe, Noa B. Kahana, Nadav Yayon, Ron Weiss, Pamela Menegazzi, Guy Bloch, Charlotte Helfrich-Förster |
Innere Uhr bei Honigbienen |
Direct pesticide exposure of insects in nature conservation areas in Germany
von: Carsten A. Brühl, Nikita Bakanov, Sebastian Köthe, Lisa Eichler, Martin Sorg, Thomas Hörren, Roland Mühlethaler, Gotthard Meinel, Gerlind U. C. Lehmann |
Insekten in Naturschutzgebieten stark mit Pestiziden belastet |