Vorgestellte Studien auf bienen-nachrichten.de

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Studientitel Beitragstitel
Secondary Metabolites Produced by Honey Bee-Associated Bacteria for Apiary Health: Potential Activity of Platynecine
von: L. M. Manici, M. L. Saccà, M. Lodesani
Produzieren Bakterien für Varroa-Milben tödliche Stoffe?
Reproductive patterns of solitary cavity-nesting bees responsive to both local and landscape factors
von: Aaron N. Sexton, Sarah Benton, Adam C. Browning, Sarah M. Emery
Profiteure der Verstädterung
Quality assessment and chemical diversity of Australian propolis from Apis mellifera bees
von: Chau T. N. Tran, Peter R. Brooks, Tahmikha J. Bryen, Simon Williams, Jessica Berry, Fiona Tavian, Ben McKee, Trong D. Tran
Propolis aus Australien
The effect of propolis plus Hyoscyamus niger L. methanolic extract on clinical symptoms in patients with acute respiratory syndrome suspected to COVID-19: A clinical trial
von: Morteza Kosari, Mehdi Noureddini, Seyed Peyman Khamechi, Ahmad Najafi, Amir Ghaderi, Mojtaba Sehat, Hamid Reza Banafshe
Propolis gegen Nebenwirkungen von COVID-19-Erkrankungen
Propolis and its constituents against cardiovascular risk factors including obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and dyslipidemia: A comprehensive review
von: Arian Khoshandam, Amir Hosein Hedayatian, Amir Reza Mollazadeh, Bibi Marjan Razavi, Hossein Hosseinzadeh
Propolis gegen Risikofaktoren von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen
Effect of antioxidant-rich propolis and bee pollen extracts against D-glucose induced type 2 diabetes in rats
von: Hassan Laaroussi, Meryem Bakour, Driss Ousaaid, Abderrazak Aboulghazi, Pedro Ferreira-Santos, Zlatina Genisheva, José Antonio Teixeira, Badiaa Lyoussi
Propolis und Bienenpollen gegen Typ-2-Diabetes
Pollen protein and lipid content influence resilience to insecticides in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
von: Makaylee K. Crone, Christina M. Grozinger
Protein- und Lipidgehalt von Pollen kann Wirkung von Insektiziden bei Honigbienen abschwächen
Ethanol‐soluble proteins from the royal jelly of Xinjiang black bees
von: Yanyan Yuan, Wujun Wang, Ruru Fan, Jianhui Jiang, Shan Feng, Huiwei Yin, Shi‐Zhong Luo, Long Chen
Proteine aus Gelée Royale
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids: The Botanical Origin of Pollen Collected during the Flowering Period of Echium vulgare and the Stability of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Bee Bread
von: Christina Kast, Verena Kilchenmann, Hans Reinhard, Katharina Bieri, Otmar Zoller, Juraj Majtan
Pyrrolizidinalkaloide in Pollen nicht unterschätzen
Dietary quercetin impacts the concentration of pesticides in honey bees
von: Hamidreza Ardalani, Nanna Hjort Vidkjær, Bente B. Laursen, Per Kryger, Inge S. Fomsgaard
Quercetin schützt Honigbienen vor Imidacloprid
Apple pollination is ensured by wild bees when honey bees are drawn away from orchards by a mass co-flowering crop, oilseed rape
von: Julia Osterman, Panagiotis Theodorou, Rita Radzevičiūtė, Pascal Schnitker, Robert J. Paxton
Raps holt Honigbienen von Apfelbäumen
The Impact of Prescribed Burning on Native Bee Communities (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in Longleaf Pine Savannas in the North Carolina Sandhills
von: Heather Moylett, Elsa Youngsteadt, Clyde Sorenson
Regelmäßige Brandrodungen nutzen Bienen
Observations of native bumble bees inside of commercial colonies of Bombus impatiens (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and the potential for pathogen spillover
von: B. J. Hicks, B. L. Pilgrim, E. Perry, H. D. Marshall
Reger Austausch von Krankheiten bei Hummeln
Effects of urban greenspace configuration and native vegetation on bee and wasp reproduction
von: Katherine J. Turo, Mary M. Gardiner
Rekultivierung nutzt Solitärbienen und -wespen
A prototype RFID tag for detecting bumblebee visitations within fragmented landscapes
von: Sarah E. Barlow, Mark A. O’Neill, Bruce M. Pavlik
RFID-Prototyp für die Verfolgung von Hummeln
Learning of bimodal versus unimodal signals in restrained bumble bees
von: Andre J. Riveros, Anne S. Leonard, Wulfila Gronenberg, Daniel R. Papaj
Riechen wichtiger als das Sehen
Evidence for Ventilation through Collective Respiratory Movements in Giant Honeybee (Apis dorsata) Nests
von: Gerald Kastberger, Dominique Waddoup, Frank Weihmann, Thomas Hoetzl
Riesenhonigbienen atmen wie eine kollektive Lunge
Risk assessment of beeswax adulterated with paraffin and/or stearin/stearic acid when used in apiculture and as food (honeycomb)
Risiken von Bienenwachsverfälschungen
Controlled flight of a microrobot powered by soft artificial muscles
von: Yufeng Chen, Huichan Zhao, Jie Mao, Pakpong Chirarattananon, Elizabeth Farrell Helbling, Nak-seung Patrick Hyun, David R. Clarke, Robert J. Wood
Roboter-Biene mit Knautschzone
Modeling the status, trends, and impacts of wild bee abundance in the United States
von: Insu Koh, Eric V. Lonsdorf, Neal M. Williams, Claire Brittain, Rufus Isaacs, Jason Gibbs, Taylor H. Ricketts
Rückgang bei Wildbienen bedroht US-Nutzpflanzenproduktion
Experimental warming in the field delays phenology and reduces body mass, fat content and survival: Implications for the persistence of a pollinator under climate change
von: Paul J. CaraDonna, James L. Cunningham, Amy M. Iler
Rückgang von Mauerbienen ist auf Klimawandel zurückzuführen
Changes in Lithium Levels in Bees and Their Products Following Anti-Varroa Treatment
von: Éva Kolics, Zsófi Sajtos, Kinga Mátyás, Kinga Szepesi, Izabella Solti, Gyöngyi Németh, János Taller, Edina Baranyai, András Specziár, Balázs Kolics
Rückstandproblematik bei Lithium-Behandlung gegen Varroa
Pesticide residues in honey bees, pollen and beeswax: Assessing beehive exposure
von: Pau Calatayud-Vernich, Fernando Calatayud, Enrique Simó, Yolanda Picó
Rückstandsproblematik im Bienenvolk
Tracking Pesticide Residues to a Plant Genus Using Palynology in Pollen Trapped from Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) at Ornamental Plant Nurseries
von: Kimberly A. Stoner, Richard S. Cowles, Andrea Nurse, Brian D. Eitzer
Rückverfolgung toxischer Pestizid-Konzentrationen über Pollen
Planting of neonicotinoid-treated maize poses risks for non-target organisms over a wide area without consistent crop yield benefit
von: Christian H. Krupke, Jeff D. Holland, Elizabeth Y. Long, Brian D. Eitzer
Saatgutbeize mit hohem Giftdrift bei Ausbringung
Seasonal variation of pollen collected by honey bees (Apis mellifera) in developed areas across four regions in the United States
von: Pierre Lau, Vaughn Bryant, James D. Ellis, Zachary Y. Huang, Joseph Sullivan, Daniel R. Schmehl, Ana R. Cabrera, Juliana Rangel
Saisonale Unterschiede beim Pollensammeln in städtischen Gebieten
Relationship between brain plasticity, learning and foraging performance in honey bees
von: Amélie Cabirol, Alex J. Cope, Andrew B. Barron, Jean-Marc Devaud
Sammelleistung bei Honigbienen abhängig von Lernleistung und Gehirnplastizität
Bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus terrestris) collecting honeydew from the giant willow aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
von: Sydney A. Cameron, Sarah A. Corbet, James B. Whitfield
Sammeln auch Hummeln Honigtau?
Honey bee foragers balance colony nutritional deficiencies
von: Harmen P. Hendriksma, Sharoni Shafir
Sammlerinnen berücksichtigen Nährstoffnachfrage des Bienenvolks
Insect Visitors of Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) (Rosales: Rosaceae) and Factors Affecting Viable Seed Production
von: Rachel McLaughlin, Joseph Keller, Elizabeth Wagner, David Biddinger, Christina Grozinger, Kelli Hoover
Sandbienen könnten Kirschbäume retten
Modelling patterns of pollinator species richness and diversity using satellite image texture
von: Sylvia Hofmann, Jeroen Everaars, Oliver Schweiger, Mark Frenzel, Lutz Bannehr, Anna F. Cord
Satellitenbilder zur Erfassung von Biodiversität bei Wildbienen nur bedingt tauglich
Sour Honeys from 57 Species of Stingless Bees in 18 Countries
von: Patricia Vit
Saurer Honig Stachelloser Bienen
Effects of wildflower strips, landscape structure and agricultural practices on wild bee assemblages – A matter of data resolution and spatial scale?
von: Niels Hellwig, Lea F. Schubert, Anita Kirmer, Sabine Tischew, Petra Dieker
Schlüssel zur Analyse von Lebensräumen für Wildbienen
Biology of Palaearctic Wainia bees of the subgenus Caposmia including a short review on snail shell nesting in osmiine bees (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)
von: Andreas Müller, Christophe Praz, Achik Dorchin
Schneckenhäuser beliebte Nistplätze bei Mauerbienen
Bioecological and Behavioral Interaction between Pollinating Bees and the Pioneer Shrub Ludwigia nervosa in Degraded Area Suggests an Exotic Bee as Its Major Pollinator
von: Eliana Aparecida Ferreira, Samuel Boff, Sandra S. Verza, Rosilda Mara Mussury
Schutzgebiete für endemische Bestäuber wichtig
Forest reserves and riparian corridors help maintain orchid bee (Hymenoptera: Euglossini) communities in oil palm plantations in Brazil
von: Thaline F. Brito, Colin C. Phifer, Jessie L. Knowlton, Cynthia M. Fiser, Nia M. Becker, Fernanda C. Barros, Felipe A. L. Contrera, Márcia M. Maués, Leandro Juen, Luciano F. A. Montag, Christopher R. Webster, David J. Flaspohler, Marcos P. D. Santos, Daniel P. Silva
Schutzgebiete und -korridore unterstützen Bienen in Palmöl-Plantagen
Protective Effect of Thyme Honey against Valproic Acid Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats
von: Rezvan Omidipour, Leila Zarei, Mandana Beigi Boroujeni, Asghar Rajabzadeh
Schutzwirkung von Thymian-Honig gegen Valproinsäure-induzierte Hepatotoxizität
Organization enhances collective vigilance in the hovering guards of Tetragonisca angustula bees
von: Kyle Shackleton, Denise A. Alves, Francis L. W. Ratnieks
Schwebende Wachen schützen vor unbefugtem Eindringen
First detection of bee viruses in hoverfly (syrphid) pollinators
von: Emily J. Bailes, Kaitlin R. Deutsch, Judit Bagi, Lucila Rondissone, Mark J. F. Brown, Owen T. Lewis
Schwebfliegen als Krankheitsüberträger für Honigbienen
Interactions between plants and pollinators across urban and rural farming landscapes
von: Rachel L. Olsson, Matthew R. Brousil, Robert E. Clark, Quinlyn Baine, David W. Crowder
Schwebfliegen mit hohem Bestäuberpotenzial
Numerical Cognition Based on Precise Counting with a Single Spiking Neuron
von: Hannes Rapp, Martin Paul Nawrot, Merav Stern
Sechs sind mehr als vier, zählen Bienen
Pollinator loss causes rapid adaptive evolution of selfing and dramatically reduces genome-wide genetic variability
von: Jeremiah W. Busch, Sarah Bodbyl-Roels, Sharif Tusuubira, John K. Kelly
Selbstbestäubende Pflanze verlieren genetische Vielfalt
Tragedy of the commons in Melipona bees revisited
von: Ricardo Caliari Oliveira, Viviana Di Pietro, José Javier G. Quezada-Euán, Jorge Ramirez Pech, Humberto Moo-Valle, Tom Wenseleers
Selbstbestimmt zur Königin
A derived honey bee stock confers resistance to Varroa destructor and associated viral transmission
von: Thomas A. O’Shea-Wheller, Frank D. Rinkevich, Robert G. Danka, Michael Simone-Finstrom, Philip G. Tokarz, Kristen B. Healy
Selektive Züchtung schützt Honigbienen vor Varroa
Effects of rare arable plants on flower-visiting wild bees in agricultural fields
von: Alina Twerski, Harald Albrecht, Jochen Fründ, Michaela Moosner, Christina Fischer
Seltene Ackerwildkräuter besonders wertvoll für Wildbienen
Missing for almost 100 years: the rare and potentially threatened bee, Pharohylaeus lactiferus (Hymenoptera, Colletidae)
von: James B. Dorey
Seltene Biene nach 100 Jahren wiederentdeckt
Epeoloides pilosulus (Cresson) Rediscovered in Michigan, with Notes on the Distribution and Status of its Macropis hosts.
von: Thomas J. Wood, Michael F. Killewald, Kelsey K. Graham, Jason Gibbs, Rufus Isaacs
Seltene Bienen nicht zwangsläufig ausgestorben
Rarity begets rarity: Social and environmental drivers of rare organisms in cities
von: Theresa W. Ong, Brenda B. Lin, Azucena Lucatero, Hamutahl Cohen, Peter Bichier, Monika H. Egerer, Alana Danieu, Shalene Jha, Stacy M. Philpott, Heidi Liere
Seltenen Pflanzen in städtischen Gärten folgen seltene Bienen und Vögel
Squill Oxymel, a traditional formulation from Drimia Maritima (L.) Stearn, as an add-on treatment in patients with moderate to severe persistent asthma: A pilot, triple-blind, randomized clinical trial
von: Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, Hossein Karegar-Borzi, Gholamreza Amin, Alireza Eslaminejad, Mostafa Hosseini, Mahbubeh Bozorgi, Mehrnaz Asadi Gharabaghi
Sirup aus Honig und Essig hilft bei Asthma
Automated monitoring of behavior reveals bursty interaction patterns and rapid spreading dynamics in honeybee social networks
von: Tim Gernat, Vikyath D. Rao, Martin Middendorf, Harry Dankowicz, Nigel Goldenfeld, Gene E. Robinson
Social-Media bei Honigbienen
