Expression of honey bee (Apis mellifera) sterol homeostasis genes in food jelly producing glands of workers
von: Abdullahi A. Yusuf, Christian W. W. Pirk, Anja Buttstedt |
Sterolstoffwechsel bei Honigbienen altersabhängig |
Transcriptome analysis reveals nutrition‐ and age‐related patterns of gene expression in the fat body of pre‐overwintering bumble bee queens
von: Claudinéia P. Costa, Michelle A. Duennes, Kaleigh Fisher, Joshua P. Der, Kristal M. Watrous, Naoki Okamoto, Naoki Yamanaka, S. Hollis Woodard |
Steuerung der Diapause von Hummel-Königinnen |
High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe
von: Johan Ekroos, David Kleijn, Péter Batáry, Matthias Albrecht, András Báldi, Nico Blüthgen, Eva Knop, Anikó Kovács-Hostyánszki, Henrik G. Smith |
Stickstoffeinträge verringern Artenreichtum |
Grassland extensification enhances nest densities of ground-nesting wild bees
von: Matthias Albrecht, Stefanie Bossart, Philippe Tschanz, Thomas Keller, Louis Sutter |
Stoppen der Wiesenintensivierung hilft Wildbienen |
The Israeli acute paralysis virus IRES captures host ribosomes by mimicking a ribosomal state with hybrid tRNAs
von: Francisco Acosta‐Reyes, Ritam Neupane, Joachim Frank, Israel S Fernández |
Strategien eines Honigbienenvirus |
An experiment of the impact of a neonicotinoid pesticide on honeybees: the value of a formal analysis of the data
von: Robert S. Schick, Jeremy J. D. Greenwood, Stephen T. Buckland |
Studie aus 2013 zur Wirkung von Thiamethoxam irreführend |
Verflechtungen und Interessen des Deutschen Bauernverbandes (DBV)
von: |
Studie legt Lobby-Netz des Deutschen Bauernverbands offen |
Field rates of Sivanto™ (flupyradifurone) and Transform® (sulfoxaflor) increase oxidative stress and induce apoptosis in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.)
von: Priyadarshini Chakrabarti, Emily A. Carlson, Hannah M. Lucas, Andony P. Melathopoulos, Ramesh R. Sagili |
Subletale Wirkungen von Sulfoxaflor und Flupyradifuron auf Honigbienen |
First records of the introduced African carder bee, Pseudoanthidium (Immanthidium) repetitum (Hymenoptera : Megachilidae), in Western Australia
von: Kit Stasia Prendergast |
Südafrikanische Biene schafft es in Australien von der Ost- zur Westküste |
Sulfoxaflor and nutritional deficiency synergistically reduce survival and fecundity in bumblebees
von: Alberto Linguadoca, Cristiana Rizzi, Sara Villa, Mark J. F. Brown |
Sulfoxaflor für Hummeln tödlich |
The mechanics of nectar offloading in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris and implications for optimal concentrations during nectar foraging
von: Jonathan G. Pattrick, Hamish A. Symington, Walter Federle, Beverley J. Glover |
Süßer Nektar nicht unbedingt besser |
Host-derived organic acids enable gut colonization of the honey bee symbiont Snodgrassella alvi
von: Andrew Quinn, Yassine El Chazli, Stéphane Escrig, Jean Daraspe, Nicolas Neuschwander, Aoife McNally, Christel Genoud, Anders Meibom, Philipp Engel |
Symbiose zwischen Honigbiene und Snodgrassella alvi |
Incipient genome erosion and metabolic streamlining for antibiotic production in a defensive symbiont
von: Taras Y. Nechitaylo, Mario Sandoval-Calderón, Tobias Engl, Natalie Wielsch, Diane M. Dunn, Alexander Goesmann, Erhard Strohm, Aleš Svatoš, Colin Dale, Robert B. Weiss, Martin Kaltenpoth |
Symbiose-Bakterien von Bienenwölfen mit Genverlust |
Synergistic effects of bee venom, hesperidin, and piperine with tamoxifen on apoptotic and angiogenesis biomarker molecules against xerographic MCF-7 injected rats
von: Abeer A. Khamis, Ehab M. M. Ali, Elsayed I. Salim, Mohamed A. Abd El-Moneim |
Synergetische Wirkung von Bienengift bei Chemotherapie |
Decades of native bee biodiversity surveys at Pinnacles National Park highlight the importance of monitoring natural areas over time
von: Joan M. Meiners, Terry L. Griswold, Olivia Messinger Carril |
Systematische Beobachtungsprogramme für Wildbienen |
Toxic temperatures: Bee behaviours exhibit divergent pesticide toxicity relationships with warming
von: Daniel Kenna, Peter Graystock, Richard J. Gill |
Temperatur verändert Wirkung von Pestiziden bei Hummeln |
Non-optimal ambient temperatures aggravate insecticide toxicity and affect honey bees Apis mellifera L. gene regulation
von: Mohamed Alburaki, Shayne Madella, Steven C. Cook |
Temperatur verstärkt Wirkung von Imidacloprid |
Thiamethoxam honey bee colony feeding study: Linking effects at the level of the individual to those at the colony level
von: Jay Overmyer, Max Feken, Natalie Ruddle, Sigrun Bocksch, Marcus Hill, Helen Thompson |
Thiamethoxam ohne Auswirkungen auf Honigbienen |
The Synergistic Beneficial Effect of Thyme Honey and Olive Oil against Diabetes and Its Complications Induced by Alloxan in Wistar Rats
von: Hajar Lafraxo, Meryem Bakour, Hassan Laaroussi, Asmae El Ghouizi, Driss Ousaaid, Abderrazak Aboulghazi, Badiaa Lyoussi |
Thymianhonig und Olivenöl bei Typ-1-Diabetes |
Overcoming matrix effects in the analysis of pyrethroids in honey by a fully automated direct immersion solid-phase microextraction method using a matrix-compatible fiber
von: João Raul Belinato, Jonathan J. Grandy, Abir Khaled, Paola Alejandra Ortiz Suarez, Janusz Pawliszyn |
Tödliches Pestizid für Honigbienen jetzt leicht in Honig nachweisbar |
Combined Toxicity of Insecticides and Fungicides Applied to California Almond Orchards to Honey Bee Larvae and Adults
von: Andrea Wade, Chia-Hua Lin, Colin Kurkul, Erzsébet Ravasz Regan, Reed M. Johnson |
Tote Honigbienen in der Mandelblüte |
Wild bees benefit from structural complexity enhancement in a forest restoration experiment
von: Tristan Eckerter, Jörn Buse, Jürgen Bauhus, Marc I. Förschler, Alexandra M. Klein |
Totholz in Nadelwäldern fördert Wildbienen |
Miniature magneto-mechanical resonators for wireless tracking and sensing
von: Bernhard Gleich, Ingo Schmale, Tim Nielsen, Jürgen Rahmer |
Tracking-Lösung via Magnetsensoren |
Long-Distance Transportation Causes Temperature Stress in the Honey Bee, Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
von: Dacotah Melicher, Elisabeth S. Wilson, Julia H. Bowsher, Steve S. Peterson, George D. Yocum, Joseph P. Rinehart |
Transporte verursachen Temperatur-Stress bei Honigbienen |
Trees for bees
von: Philip Donkersley |
Trees for bees - Bäume für Bienen |
Drought reduces floral resources for pollinators
von: Benjamin B. Phillips Rosalind F. Shaw Matthew J. Holland Ellen L. Fry Richard D. Bardgett James M. Bullock Juliet L. Osborne |
Trockenheit bedeutet weniger Blüten für Bienen |
Ecological and social factors influence interspecific pathogens occurrence among bees
von: Rossella Tiritelli, Simone Flaminio, Laura Zavatta, Rosa Ranalli, Manuela Giovanetti, Donato Antonio Grasso, Stefano Leonardi, Marta Bonforte, Chiara Benedetta Boni, Elena Cargnus, Roberto Catania, Francesca Coppola, Marco Di Santo, Michelina Pusceddu, Marino Quaranta, Laura Bortolotti, Antonio Nanetti, Giovanni Cilia |
Übertragung von Krankheitserregern zwischen Bienenarten |
Potential for virus transfer between the honey bees Apis mellifera and A. cerana
von: Orlando Yañez, Huo-Qing Zheng, Xiao-Ling Su, Fu-Liang Hu, Peter Neumann, Vincent Dietemann |
Übertragung von Viren zwischen Östlicher und Westlicher Honigbiene |
The ultraviolet colour component enhances the attractiveness of red flowers of a bee-pollinated plant
von: Zhe Chen, Chang-Qiu Liu, Hang Sun, Yang Niu |
Ultraviolette Farbkomponente erhöht Attraktivität roter Blüten |
The role of the leading edge vortex in lift augmentation of steadily revolving wings: a change in perspective
von: Mostafa R. A. Nabawy, William J. Crowther |
Und sie fliegen doch: Neues Modell zum Flug von Bienen |
Monitoring Flower Visitation Networks and Interactions between Pairs of Bumble Bees in a Large Outdoor Flight Cage
von: Mathieu Lihoreau, Lars Chittka, Nigel E. Raine |
Unfreundliche Hummeln gibt es wirklich |
An unusual new species of Hedychridium Abeille from Africa
von: Lynn S. Kimsey, Robert S. Copeland |
Ungewöhnliche neue Bienenart in Afrika entdeckt |
Disparate continental scale patterns in floral host breadth of Australian colletid bees (Colletidae: Hymenoptera)
von: Patricia S. Slattery, Ben A. Parslow, Michael S. Y. Lee, Michael Batley, Ken L. Walker, Michael P. Schwarz |
Ungewöhnliches Verhalten endemischer Bienenarten |
Coordinated species importation policies are needed to reduce serious invasions globally: The case of alien bumblebees in South America
von: Marcelo A. Aizen, Cecilia Smith-Ramírez, Carolina L. Morales, Lorena Vieli, Agustín Sáez, Rodrigo M. Barahona-Segovia, Marina P. Arbetman, José Montalva, Lucas A. Garibaldi, David W. Inouye, Lawrence D. Harder |
Unkoordinierte Handelspraktiken helfen invasiven Bienenarten |
Roundup causes high levels of mortality following contact exposure in bumble bees
von: Edward A. Straw, Edward N. Carpentier, Mark J. F. Brown |
Unkrautvernichter müssten für Hummeln nicht tödlich sein |
Bee breweries: The unusually fermentative, lactobacilli-dominated brood cell microbiomes of cellophane bees
von: Tobin J. Hammer, Jordan Kueneman, Magda Argueta-Guzmán, Quinn S. McFrederick, Lady Grant, William Wcislo, Stephen Buchmann, Bryan N. Danforth |
Unterirdische Mikrobrauereien bodennistender Bienen |
Seasonal complementary in pollinators of soft-fruit crops
von: Ciaran R. Ellisa, Hannah Feltham, Kirsty Park, Nick Hanley, Dave Goulson |
Unterschiedliche Bestäuber führen zu besseren Früchten |
Microbial communities associated with honey bees in Brazil and in the United States
von: Denise de Oliveira Scoaris, Frederic Mendes Hughes, Milton Adolfo Silveira, Jay Daniel Evans, Jeffery Stuart Pettis, Esther Margarida Alves Ferreira Bastos, Carlos Augusto Rosa |
Unterschiedliche Mikrobiota in verschiedenen Lebensräumen |
Functional diversity of farmland bees across rural–urban landscapes in a tropical megacity
von: Gabriel Marcacci, Ingo Grass, Vikas S. Rao, S. Shabarish Kumar, K. B. Tharini, Vasuki V. Belavadi, Nils Nölke, Teja Tscharntke, Catrin Westphal |
Urbane Landwirtschaft in den Tropen |
The geographical origin, refugia, and diversification of honey bees (Apis spp.) based on biogeography and niche modeling
von: Yongkun Ji |
Ursprung der Honigbiene |
Six years of wild bee monitoring shows changes in biodiversity within and across years and declines in abundance
von: Nash E. Turley, David J. Biddinger, Neelendra K. Joshi, Margarita M. López-Uribe |
US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania verzeichnet Rückgang an Wildbienen |
Haemolymph removal by Varroa mite destabilizes the dynamical interaction between immune effectors and virus in bees, as predicted by Volterra's model
von: Desiderato Annoscia, Sam P. Brown, Gennaro Di Prisco, Emanuele De Paoli, Simone Del Fabbro, Davide Frizzera, Virginia Zanni, David A. Galbraith, Emilio Caprio, Christina M. Grozinger, Francesco Pennacchio, Francesco Nazzi |
Varroa destabilisiert Immunsystem |
A Multi-Microscopy Approach to Discover the Feeding Site and Host Tissue Consumed by Varroa destructor on Host Honey Bees
von: Samuel Ramsey, Connor J. Gulbronson, Joseph Mowery, Ron Ochoa, Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Gary Bauchan |
Varroa ist keine Blutsaugerin |
Distribution of coumaphos in beeswax after treatment of honeybee colonies with CheckMite® against the parasitical mite Varroa destructor
von: Christina Kast, Verena Kilchenmann, Benoît Droz |
Varroa-Behandlung mit Coumaphos führt zu Rückständen im Bienenwachs |
Divergent evolutionary trajectories following speciation in two ectoparasitic honey bee mites
von: Maeva A. Techer, Rahul V. Rane, Miguel L. Grau, John M. K. Roberts, Shawn T. Sullivan, Ivan Liachko, Anna K. Childers, Jay D. Evans, Alexander S. Mikheyev |
Varroa-Milbe entschlüsselt |
Ten Years of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) in Hawaiian Honey Bees ( Apis mellifera), the Dominant DWV-A Variant Is Potentially Being Replaced by Variants with a DWV-B Coding Sequence
von: Isobel Grindrod, Jessica L. Kevill, Ethel M. Villalobos, Declan C. Schroeder, Stephen John Martin |
Varroa-Milbe hat Einfluss auf Varianten des Flügeldeformationsvirus |
The role of epistatic interactions underpinning resistance to parasitic Varroa mites in haploid honey bee (Apis mellifera) drones.
von: Benjamin H. Conlon, Eva Frey, Peter Rosenkranz, Barbara Locke, Robin F. A. Moritz. Jarkko Routtu |
Varroa-Milbe im evolutionären Vorteil |
Pathogen shifts in a honeybee predator following the arrival of the Varroa mite
von: Kevin J. Loope, James W. Baty, Philip J. Lester, Erin E. Wilson Rankin |
Varroa-Milbe wirkt sich nicht nur auf Honigbienen aus |
Shift in virus composition in honeybees (Apis mellifera) following worldwide invasion by the parasitic mite and virus vector Varroa destructor
von: Vincent Doublet, Melissa A. Y. Oddie, Fanny Mondet, Eva Forsgren, Bjørn Dahle, Elisabeth Furuseth-Hansen, Geoffrey R. Williams, Lina De Smet, Myrsini E. Natsopoulou, Tomás E. Murray, Emilia Semberg, Orlando Yañez, Dirk C. de Graaf, Yves Le Conte, Peter Neumann, Espen Rimstad, Robert J. Paxton, Joachim R. de Miranda |
Varroa-Milben begünstigen Verbreitung opportunistischer Viren |
Genes important for survival or reproduction in Varroa destructor identified by RNAi
von: Zachary Y. Huang, Guowu Bian, Zhiyong Xi, Xianbing Xie |
Varroa-Milben mit genetischer Lücke in ihrer Rüstung |