Vorgestellte Studien auf bienen-nachrichten.de

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Studientitel Beitragstitel
An unusual new species of Hedychridium Abeille from Africa
von: Lynn S. Kimsey, Robert S. Copeland
Ungewöhnliche neue Bienenart in Afrika entdeckt
Disparate continental scale patterns in floral host breadth of Australian colletid bees (Colletidae: Hymenoptera)
von: Patricia S. Slattery, Ben A. Parslow, Michael S. Y. Lee, Michael Batley, Ken L. Walker, Michael P. Schwarz
Ungewöhnliches Verhalten endemischer Bienenarten
Coordinated species importation policies are needed to reduce serious invasions globally: The case of alien bumblebees in South America
von: Marcelo A. Aizen, Cecilia Smith-Ramírez, Carolina L. Morales, Lorena Vieli, Agustín Sáez, Rodrigo M. Barahona-Segovia, Marina P. Arbetman, José Montalva, Lucas A. Garibaldi, David W. Inouye, Lawrence D. Harder
Unkoordinierte Handelspraktiken helfen invasiven Bienenarten
Roundup causes high levels of mortality following contact exposure in bumble bees
von: Edward A. Straw, Edward N. Carpentier, Mark J. F. Brown
Unkrautvernichter müssten für Hummeln nicht tödlich sein
Bee breweries: The unusually fermentative, lactobacilli-dominated brood cell microbiomes of cellophane bees
von: Tobin J. Hammer, Jordan Kueneman, Magda Argueta-Guzmán, Quinn S. McFrederick, Lady Grant, William Wcislo, Stephen Buchmann, Bryan N. Danforth
Unterirdische Mikrobrauereien bodennistender Bienen
Seasonal complementary in pollinators of soft-fruit crops
von: Ciaran R. Ellisa, Hannah Feltham, Kirsty Park, Nick Hanley, Dave Goulson
Unterschiedliche Bestäuber führen zu besseren Früchten
Microbial communities associated with honey bees in Brazil and in the United States
von: Denise de Oliveira Scoaris, Frederic Mendes Hughes, Milton Adolfo Silveira, Jay Daniel Evans, Jeffery Stuart Pettis, Esther Margarida Alves Ferreira Bastos, Carlos Augusto Rosa
Unterschiedliche Mikrobiota in verschiedenen Lebensräumen
Functional diversity of farmland bees across rural–urban landscapes in a tropical megacity
von: Gabriel Marcacci, Ingo Grass, Vikas S. Rao, S. Shabarish Kumar, K. B. Tharini, Vasuki V. Belavadi, Nils Nölke, Teja Tscharntke, Catrin Westphal
Urbane Landwirtschaft in den Tropen
The geographical origin, refugia, and diversification of honey bees (Apis spp.) based on biogeography and niche modeling
von: Yongkun Ji
Ursprung der Honigbiene
Six years of wild bee monitoring shows changes in biodiversity within and across years and declines in abundance
von: Nash E. Turley, David J. Biddinger, Neelendra K. Joshi, Margarita M. López-Uribe
US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania verzeichnet Rückgang an Wildbienen
Haemolymph removal by Varroa mite destabilizes the dynamical interaction between immune effectors and virus in bees, as predicted by Volterra's model
von: Desiderato Annoscia, Sam P. Brown, Gennaro Di Prisco, Emanuele De Paoli, Simone Del Fabbro, Davide Frizzera, Virginia Zanni, David A. Galbraith, Emilio Caprio, Christina M. Grozinger, Francesco Pennacchio, Francesco Nazzi
Varroa destabilisiert Immunsystem
A Multi-Microscopy Approach to Discover the Feeding Site and Host Tissue Consumed by Varroa destructor on Host Honey Bees
von: Samuel Ramsey, Connor J. Gulbronson, Joseph Mowery, Ron Ochoa, Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Gary Bauchan
Varroa ist keine Blutsaugerin
Distribution of coumaphos in beeswax after treatment of honeybee colonies with CheckMite® against the parasitical mite Varroa destructor
von: Christina Kast, Verena Kilchenmann, Benoît Droz
Varroa-Behandlung mit Coumaphos führt zu Rückständen im Bienenwachs
Divergent evolutionary trajectories following speciation in two ectoparasitic honey bee mites
von: Maeva A. Techer, Rahul V. Rane, Miguel L. Grau, John M. K. Roberts, Shawn T. Sullivan, Ivan Liachko, Anna K. Childers, Jay D. Evans, Alexander S. Mikheyev
Varroa-Milbe entschlüsselt
Ten Years of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) in Hawaiian Honey Bees ( Apis mellifera), the Dominant DWV-A Variant Is Potentially Being Replaced by Variants with a DWV-B Coding Sequence
von: Isobel Grindrod, Jessica L. Kevill, Ethel M. Villalobos, Declan C. Schroeder, Stephen John Martin
Varroa-Milbe hat Einfluss auf Varianten des Flügeldeformationsvirus
The role of epistatic interactions underpinning resistance to parasitic Varroa mites in haploid honey bee (Apis mellifera) drones.
von: Benjamin H. Conlon, Eva Frey, Peter Rosenkranz, Barbara Locke, Robin F. A. Moritz. Jarkko Routtu
Varroa-Milbe im evolutionären Vorteil
Pathogen shifts in a honeybee predator following the arrival of the Varroa mite
von: Kevin J. Loope, James W. Baty, Philip J. Lester, Erin E. Wilson Rankin
Varroa-Milbe wirkt sich nicht nur auf Honigbienen aus
Shift in virus composition in honeybees (Apis mellifera) following worldwide invasion by the parasitic mite and virus vector Varroa destructor
von: Vincent Doublet, Melissa A. Y. Oddie, Fanny Mondet, Eva Forsgren, Bjørn Dahle, Elisabeth Furuseth-Hansen, Geoffrey R. Williams, Lina De Smet, Myrsini E. Natsopoulou, Tomás E. Murray, Emilia Semberg, Orlando Yañez, Dirk C. de Graaf, Yves Le Conte, Peter Neumann, Espen Rimstad, Robert J. Paxton, Joachim R. de Miranda
Varroa-Milben begünstigen Verbreitung opportunistischer Viren
Genes important for survival or reproduction in Varroa destructor identified by RNAi
von: Zachary Y. Huang, Guowu Bian, Zhiyong Xi, Xianbing Xie
Varroa-Milben mit genetischer Lücke in ihrer Rüstung
Ground-nesting bees prefer bare ground areas on calcareous grasslands
von: Hanna Gardein, Yvonne Fabian, Catrin Westphal, Teja Tscharntke, Annika Hass
Vegetationsfreie Flächen gut für Wildbienen
Rapidly changing environment modulates the thermoregulatory fanning response in honeybee groups
von: Chelsea N. Cook, Rachael E. Kaspar, Samuel M. Flaxman, Michael D. Breed
Ventilatoren im Bienenstock
Mitochondrial SNP markers to monitor evolutionary lineage ancestry in Apis mellifera mellifera conservation programs
von: Dora Henriques, Melanie Parejo, Ana R. Lopes, Maria Alice Pinto
Verbesserte Analysemethode für Erhaltungs- und Zuchtprogramme der Dunklen Honigbiene
Nesting activity of cavity‐nesting bees and wasps is lower in small‐scale apple orchards compared to nearby semi‐natural habitats
von: Áron Domonkos Bihaly, Anikó Kovács‐Hostyánszki, Márk Szalai, Miklós Sárospataki
Verbesserungspotenziale für Obst-Plantagen
A validated workflow for rapid taxonomic assignment and monitoring of a national fauna of bees (Apiformes) using high throughput DNA barcoding
von: Thomas J. Creedy, Hannah Norman, Cuong Q. Tang, Kai Qing Chin, Carmelo Andujar, Paula Arribas, Rory S. O’Connor, Claire Carvell, David G. Notton, Alfried P. Vogler
Vereinfachter Artenschutz mittels DNA-Barcoding
Floral vibrations by buzz-pollinating bees achieve higher frequency, velocity and acceleration than flight and defence vibrations
von: David J. Pritchard, Mario Vallejo-Marín
Verhaltensweise ändert Vibration bei Bienen
Widespread losses of pollinating insects in Britain
von: Gary D. Powney, Claire Carvell, Mike Edwards, Roger K. A. Morris, Helen E. Roy, Ben A. Woodcock, Nick J. B. Isaac
Verluste bei bestäubenden Insekten auch in Großbritannien
The effect of urbanisation and seasonality on wild bee abundance, body size and foraging efforts
von: Sandara N. R. Brasil, Anthony C. Ayers, Sandra M. Rehan
Verstädterung zeigt bei Wildbienen Wirkung
Simultaneous percussion by the larvae of a stem-nesting solitary bee – a collaborative defence strategy against parasitoid wasps?
von: Andreas Müller, Martin K. Obrist
Verteidigungsgeräusche von Bienenlarven im Nest
Phylogenomic Insights into the Evolution of Stinging Wasps and the Origins of Ants and Bees
von: Michael G. Branstetter, Bryan N. Danforth, James P. Pitts, Brant C. Faircloth, Philip S. Ward, Matthew L. Buffington, Michael W. Gates, Robert R. Kula, Seán G. Brady
Verwandtschaft zwischen Ameisen und Bienen genauer geklärt
High honeybee abundances reduce wild bee abundances on flowers in the city of Munich
von: Susanne S. Renner, Marie Sophie Graf, Zoe Hentschel, Helen Krause, Andreas Fleischmann
Viele Honigbienen verdrängen Wildbienen
A biophysical approach to assess weather impacts on honey bee colony winter mortality
von: Benedikt Becsi, Herbert Formayer, Robert Brodschneider
Viele Honigbienen-Völker sterben während Extrem-Kälteperioden
Wild bees and hoverflies respond differently to urbanisation, human population density and urban form
von: Anna S.Persson, Johan Ekroos, Peter Olsson, Henrik G. Smith
Viele Menschen, weniger Bestäuber
A DNA barcode-based survey of wild urban bees in the Loire Valley, France
von: Irene Villalta, Romain Ledet, Mathilde Baude, David Genoud, Christophe Bouget, Maxime Cornillon, Sébastien Moreau, Béatrice Courtial, Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde
Vielfalt der Wildbienen im Loire-Tal
Many small rather than few large sources identified in long-term bee pollen diets in agroecosystems
von: Rachele S. Wilson, Alexander Keller, Alison Shapcott, Sara D. Leonhardt, Wiebke Sickel, Jane L. Hardwick, Tim A. Heard, Benjamin F. Kaluza, Helen M. Wallace
Vielfalt ist der Schlüssel für Stachellose Bienen
Landscape composition modifies pollinator densities, foraging behavior and yield formation in faba beans
von: Nicole Beyer, Doreen Gabriel, Catrin Westphal
Vielfalt sorgt für mehr Ertrag
Flowers as dirty doorknobs: Deformed wing virus transmitted between Apis mellifera and Bombus impatiens through shared flowers
von: Phillip Alexander Burnham, Samantha A. Alger, Brendan Case, Humberto Boncristiani, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Alison K. Brody
Virenübertragung zwischen Honigbienen und Hummeln
Honey bee virus causes context-dependent changes in host social behavior
von: Amy C. Geffre, ProfileTim Gernat, Gyan P. Harwood, Beryl M. Jones, Deisy Morselli Gysi, Adam R. Hamilton, Bryony C. Bonning, Amy L. Toth, Gene E. Robinson, Adam G. Dolezal
Virus sorgt für weniger gesunde Distanz bei Bienen
Vitellogenin of the solitary bees Centris tarsata and Centris analis (Hymenoptera: Apidae): cDNA structural analysis and gene expression
von: Júlia Colombelli Agostini, Claudineia Pereira Costa, Jaíne Taís Ferreira, Adriana Cristina Dias, Nathália Prestes Guerra, Zilá Luz Paulino Simões, Anete Pedro Lourenço
Vitellogenin bei Solitärbienen
Interacting pest control and pollination services in coffee systems
von: Alejandra Martínez-Salinas, Adina Chain-Guadarrama, Natalia Aristizábal, Sergio Vilchez-Mendoza, Rolando Cerda, Taylor H. Ricketts
Vögel und Bienen für besseren Kaffee
Revisiting the economic valuation of agricultural losses due to large-scale changes in pollinator populations
von: Christian Lippert, Arndt Feuerbacher, Manuel Narjes
Volkswirtschaftlicher Nutzen der Bestäubungsarbeit
Reconciling laboratory and field assessments of neonicotinoid toxicity to honeybees
von: Mickaël Henry, Nicolas Cerrutti, Pierrick Aupinel, Axel Decourtye, Mélanie Gayrard, Jean-François Odoux, Aurélien Pissard, Charlotte Rüger, Vincent Bretagnolle
Vom Labor zum Feldversuch - Neonicotinoide in der Realität
First record of Hylaeus (Gnathoprosopis) euxanthus (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) in Chile
von: José Montalva, Leah S. Dudley, Terry F. Houston
Von Australien nach Chile
Beekeepers and Scientists, or Beekeepers vs. Scientists?
von: Ulrich R. Ernst, Giel Detienne, Dries Cardoen
Von Imkern und der Wissenschaft
Body size variation in bees: regulation, mechanisms, and relationship to social organization
von: Hanna Chole, S. Hollis Woodard, Guy Bloch
Von kleinen und großen Bienen
Predicting tipping points in mutualistic networks through dimension reduction
von: Junjie Jiang, Zi-Gang Huang, Thomas P. Seager, Wei Lin, Celso Grebogi, Alan Hastings, Ying-Cheng Lai
Vorhersageberechnung stabiler Bestäuber-Pflanzen-Netzwerke
Honeybees show a context-dependent rightward bias
von: Thomas A. O'Shea-Wheller
Vorzugsweise nach rechts
The bee Tetragonula builds its comb like a crystal
von: Silvana S. S. Cardoso, Julyan H. E. Cartwright, Antonio G. Checa, Bruno Escribano, Antonio J. Osuna-Mascaró, C. Ignacio Sainz-Díaz
Wabenbau wie Kristallwachstum
Honeybees solve a multi-comparison ranking task by probability matching
von: HaDi MaBouDi, James A. R. Marshall, Andrew B. Barron
Wahrscheinlichkeitsberechnungen bei Honigbienen
The trisaccharide melezitose impacts honey bees and their intestinal microbiota
von: Victoria Charlotte Seeburger, Paul D’Alvise, Basel Shaaban, Karsten Schweikert, Gertrud Lohaus, Annette Schroeder, Martin Hasselmann
Waldhonig gefährdet Überleben von Bienenvölkern im Winter
Wild bee distribution near forested landscapes is dependent on successional state
von: Katherine A. Odanaka, Sandra M. Rehan
Waldränder als wichtiger Lebensraum
