Companion planting to attract pollinators increases the yield and quality of strawberry fruit in gardens and allotments
von: Janine Griffiths‐Lee, Elizabeth Nicholls, Dave Goulson |
Borretsch steigert Erdbeer-Erträge |
Unique nesting biology of Osmia (Melanosmia) uncinata, a Palaearctic osmiine bee specialized on thick-barked conifers (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)
von: Andreas Müller, Rainer Prosi, Stewart Taylor, Henning Richter, Mike Herrmann, Urs Weibel |
Brutbiologie und Verbreitung der Mauerbiene Osmia uncinata |
Polyandrous bee provides extended offspring care biparentally as an alternative to monandry based eusociality
von: Michael Mikát, Lukáš Janošík, Kateřina Černá, Eva Matoušková, Jiří Hadrava, Vít Bureš, Jakub Straka |
Brutpflege durch Bienen-Drohnen |
The effect of Israeli acute paralysis virus infection on honey bee brood care behavior
von: Lincoln N. Taylor, Adam G. Dolezal |
Brutpflegeverhalten bei Israelischem Akuten-Bienenparalyse-Virus |
Summer brood interruption as integrated management strategy for effective Varroa control in Europe
von: Ralph Büchler, Aleksandar Uzunov, Marin Kovačić, Janez Prešernn, Marco Pietropaoli, Fani Hatjina, Borce Pavlov, Leonidas Charistos, Giovanni Formato, Egoitz Galarza, Draiusz Gerula, Aleš Gregorc, Valeria Malagnini, Marina Meixner, Nebojša Nedić, Zlatko Puškadija, Jorge Rivera-Gomis, Mira Rogelj Jenko, Maja Ivana Smodiš Škerl, Julien Vallon, Denis Vojt, Jerzy Wilde, Antonio Nanetti |
Brutunterbrechung für effektive Varroa-Kontrolle |
Flower use by late nineteenth-century orchid bees (Eufriesea surinamensis, Hymenoptera, Apidae) nesting in the Catedral Basílica Santa María la Antigua de Panamá
von: Paola Galgani-Barraza, Jorge Enrique Moreno, Sofia Lobo, Wendy Tribaldos, David W. Roubik, William T. Wcislo |
Brutzellen von Bienen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert in einer panamaischen Kathedrale |
Using Bumble Bee Watch to investigate the accuracy and perception of bumble bee (Bombus spp.) identification by community scientists
von: Victoria J. MacPhail, Shelby D. Gibson, Richard Hatfield, Sheila R. Colla |
Bürgerwissenschaftler identifizieren Hummeln nur in 50 % der Fälle korrekt |
The Bee Community of Cannabis sativa and Corresponding Effects of Landscape Composition
von: Nathaniel Ryan Flicker, Katja Poveda, Heather Grab |
Cannabis als Pollenpflanze |
Bomb 137Cs in modern honey reveals a regional soil control on pollutant cycling by plants
von: Jim M. Kaste, Paul Volante, Andrew J. Elmore |
Cäsium-137 als Vermächtnis des Kalten Krieges im Honig |
Measurements of Chlorpyrifos Levels in Forager Bees and Comparison with Levels that Disrupt Honey Bee Odor-Mediated Learning Under Laboratory Conditions
von: Elodie Urlacher, Coline Monchanin, Coraline Rivière, Freddie-Jeanne Richard, Christie Lombardi, Sue Michelsen-Heath, Kimberly J. Hageman, Alison R. Mercer |
Chlorpyrifos vermindert bei Bienen Lern- und Gedächtnisleistung |
Chronic bee paralysis as a serious emerging threat to honey bees
von: Giles E. Budge, Nicola K. Simcock, Philippa J. Holder, Mark D. F. Shirley, Mike A. Brown, Pauline S. M. Van Weymers, David J. Evans, Steve P. Rushton |
Chronisches-Bienenparalyse-Virus bedroht zunehmend Honigbienen |
Rising atmospheric CO2 is reducing the protein concentration of a floral pollen source essential for North American bees
von: Lewis H. Ziska, Jeffery S. Pettis, Joan Edwards, Jillian E. Hancock, Martha B. Tomecek, Andrew Clark, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Irakli Loladze, H. Wayne Polley |
CO2 reduziert Proteinanteil im Pollen |
Does effective population size affect rates of molecular evolution: Mitochondrial data for host/parasite species pairs in bees suggests not
von: Nahid Shokri Bousjein, Simon M. Tierney, Michael G. Gardner, Michael P. Schwarz |
Damit Parasiten gedeihen, müssen ihre Wirte überleben |
Urbanisation generates multiple trait syndromes for terrestrial animal taxa worldwide
von: Amy K. Hahs, Bertrand Fournier, Myla F. J. Aronson, Charles H. Nilon, Adriana Herrera-Montes, Allyson B. Salisbury, Caragh G. Threlfall, Christine C. Rega-Brodsky, Christopher A. Lepczyk, Frank A. La Sorte, Ian MacGregor-Fors, J. Scott MacIvor, Kirsten Jung, Max R. Piana, Nicholas S. G. Williams, Sonja Knapp, Alan Vergnes, Aldemar A. Acevedo, Alison M. Gainsbury, Ana Rainho, Andrew J. Hamer, Assaf Shwartz, Christian C. Voigt, Daniel Lewanzik, David M. Lowenstein, David O’Brien, Desiree Tommasi, Eduardo Pineda, Ela Sita Carpenter, Elena Belskaya, Gábor L. Lövei, James C. Makinson, Joanna L. Coleman, Jon P. Sadler, Jordan Shroyer, Julie Teresa Shapiro, Katherine C. R. Baldock, Kelly Ksiazek-Mikenas, Kevin C. Matteson, Kyle Barrett, Lizette Siles, Luis F. Aguirre, Luis Orlando Armesto, Marcin Zalewski, Maria Isabel Herrera-Montes, Martin K. Obrist, Rebecca K. Tonietto, Sara A. Gagné, Sarah J. Hinners, Tanya Latty, Thilina D. Surasinghe, Thomas Sattler, Tibor Magura, Werner Ulrich, Zoltan Elek, Marco Moretti |
Damit Tiere in Städten überleben können |
The Antibacterial Effect In Vitro of Honey Derived from Various Danish Flora
von: Reem Dina Matzen, Julie Zinck Leth-Espensen, Therese Jansson, Dennis Sandris Nielsen, Marianne N. L, Steen Matzen |
Danish Dynamite im Honigglas |
Microbial ensemble in the hives: deciphering the intricate gut ecosystem of hive and forager bees of Apis mellifera
von: M. N. Rudra Gouda, Sabtharishi Subramanian, Aundy Kumar, Balasubramanian Ramakrishnan |
Darm-Mikrobiom Westlicher Honigbienen in Indien |
The honey bee gut microbiota: strategies for study and characterization
von: Sofia Romero, Alexandra Nastasa, Abbi Chapman, W. K. Kwong, Leonard J. Foster |
Darm-Mikrobiota der Honigbiene |
The Gut Microbiota Protects Bees from Invasion by a Bacterial Pathogen
von: Margaret I. Steele, Erick V. S. Motta, Tejashwini Gattu, Daniel Martinez, Nancy A. Moran |
Darm-Mikrobiota schützt Honigbienen |
Thermal niches of specialized gut symbionts: the case of social bees
von: Tobin J. Hammer, Eli Le, Nancy A. Moran |
Darmsymbionten sozialer Bienen reagieren auf Klimawandel |
Neonicotinoid pesticide limits improvement in buzz pollination by bumblebees
von: P. R. Whitehorn, C. Wallace, M. Vallejo-Marin |
Das Schweigen der Hummeln |
Quantifying the relative predation pressure on bumblebee nests by the European badger (Meles meles) using artificial nests
von: Bethany R. Roberts, Ruth Cox, Juliet L. Osborne |
Der Dachs als Räuber der Hummeln |
Developmental Transcriptomics Reveals a Gene Network Driving Mimetic Color Variation in a Bumble Bee
von: Sarthok Rasique Rahman, Tatiana Terranova, Li Tian, Heather M. Hines |
Der genetische Weg, der Hummelstreifen färbt |
‘Bleeding’ flowers of Ceropegia gerrardii (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) mimic wounded insects to attract kleptoparasitic fly pollinators
von: Annemarie Heiduk, Irina Brake, Adam Shuttleworth, Steven D. Johnson |
Der Geruch verletzter Bienen |
The Importance of Forests in Bumble Bee Biology and Conservation
von: John M. Mola, Jeremy Hemberger, Jade Kochanski, Leif L. Richardson, Ian S. Pearse |
Der Wald als Lebensraum |
Ecosystem services provided by aculeate wasps
von: Ryan E. Brock, Alessandro Cini, Seirian Sumner |
Der Wert der Wespen |
British phenological records indicate high diversity and extinction rates among late-summer-flying pollinators
von: Nicholas J. Balfour, Jeff Ollerton, Maria Clara Castellanos, Francis L. W. Ratnieks |
Deutlicher Bestäuberrückgang im Spätsommer |
Pollination by wild bees yields larger strawberries than pollination by honey bees
von: Gail MacInnis, Jessica R. K. Forrest |
Dickere Erdbeeren durch Wildbienen |
Phylogenomic analysis of Apoidea sheds new light on the sister group of bees
von: Manuela Sann, Oliver Niehuis, Ralph S. Peters, Christoph Mayer, Alexey Kozlov, Lars Podsiadlowski, Sarah Bank, Karen Meusemann, Bernhard Misof, Christoph Bleidorn, Michael Ohl |
Die Evolution vegetarischer Bienen |
The Story of Braula Coeca (Bee Lice) in Honeybee Colonies Apis Mellifera L. in Libya
von: Hasan M. Alfallah, Hamida B. Mirwan |
Die vergessene Bienenlaus |
Honey bees collecting pollen from the body surface of foraging bumble bees: a recurring behaviour
von: Tiziano Londei, Giuliana Marzi |
Diebische Honigbienen |
The direct and indirect effects of environmental toxicants on the health of bumblebees and their microbiomes
von: Jason A. Rothman, Kaleigh A. Russell, Laura Leger, Quinn S. McFrederick, Peter Graystock |
Direkte und indirekte Auswirkungen von Umweltgiften auf Hummeln |
Honey bee predisposition of resistance to ubiquitous mite infestations
von: Bart J. G. Broeckx, Lina De Smet, Tjeerd Blacquière, Kevin Maebe, Mikalaï Khalenkow, Mario Van Poucke, Bjorn Dahle, Peter Neumann, Kim Bach Nguyen, Guy Smagghe, Dieter Deforce, Filip Van Nieuwerburgh, Luc Peelman, Dirk C. de Graaf |
DNA Varroa-resistenter Honigbienen entschlüsselt |
Parallel declines in abundance of insects and insectivorous birds in Denmark over 22 years
von: Anders Pape Møller |
Dramatischer Insektenrückgang auch in Dänemark |
50-jährige Untersuchungen an migrierenden Schwebfliegen, Waffenfliegen und Schlupfwespen belegen extreme Rückgänge (Diptera: Syrphidae, Stratiomyidae; Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)
von: Wulf Gatter, Hartmut Ebenhöh, Raoul Kima, Walter Gatter, Frank Scherer |
Dramatisches Insektensterben bei Schwebfliegen |
Decline of bumble bees in northeastern North America, with special focus on Bombus terricola
von: Molly M. Jacobson, Erika M. Tucker, Minna E. Mathiasson, Sandra M. Rehan |
Drastischer Rückgang bei Hummeln im US-Bundesstaat New Hampshire |
Temporal increase of Varroa mites in trap frames used for drone brood removal during the honey bee season
von: Richard Odemer, Franziska Odemer, Gerhard Liebig, Doris de Craigher |
Drohnenbrut schneiden gegen die Varroa-Milbe |
A growing pandemic: A review of Nosema parasites in globally distributed domesticated and native bees
von: Arthur C. Grupe II, C. Alisha Quandt |
Droht Wildbienen eine Pandemie? |
Janus: A Combined Radar and Vibration Sensor for Beehive Monitoring
von: Herbert M. Aumann, Margery K. Aumann, Nuri W. Emanetoglu |
Duales Sensor-System für Bienenbeuten |
Synthetic fertilizers alter floral biophysical cues and bumblebee foraging behavior
von: Ellard R. Hunting, Sam J. England, Kuang Koh, Dave A. Lawson, Nadja R. Brun, Daniel Robert |
Düngemittel sorgen für schlechtere Bestäubung |
Quantifying the impact of an invasive Hornet on Bombus terrestris Colonies
von: Thomas A. O’Shea-Wheller, Robin J. Curtis, Peter J. Kennedy, Ellen K. J. Groom, Juliette Poidatz, David S. Raffle, Sandra V. Rojas-Nossa, Carolina Bartolomé, Damián Dasilva-Martins, Xulio Maside, Salustiano Mato, Juliet L. Osborne |
Dunkle Erdhummeln wehren Asiatische Hornissen erfolgreich ab |
Comparative floral ecology of bicolor and concolor morphs of Viola pedata (Violaceae) following controlled burns
von: Peter Bernhardt, Retha Edens-Meier, Dowen Jocson, Justin Zweck, Zong-Xin Ren, Gerardo R. Camilo, Michael Arduser |
Dunkle Veilchen in kühlen Wäldern von Bienen bevorzugt |
Resampling of wild bees across fifteen years reveals variable species declines and recoveries after extreme weather
von: Kelsey K. Graham, Jason Gibbs, Julianna Wilson, Emily May, Rufus Isaacs |
Ein Blick in die heiße Zukunft |
Population genomics and morphometric assignment of western honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) in the Republic of South Africa
von: Amin Eimanifar, Samantha A. Brooks, Tomas Bustamante, James D. Ellis |
Eindeutige Unterscheidungsmöglichkeiten für Honigbienen-Unterarten in Südafrika |
Changes in adult sex ratio in wild bee communities are linked to urbanization
von: Gordon Fitch, Paul Glaum, Maria-Carolina Simao, Chatura Vaidya, Jill Matthijs, Benjamin Iuliano, Ivette Perfecto |
Einfluss der Urbanisierung auf Wildbienen unterschätzt |
The gut microbiome of solitary bees is mainly affected by pathogen assemblage and partially by land use
von: Gregorio Fernandez De Landa, Daniele Alberoni, Loredana Baffoni, Mateo Fernandez De Landa, Pablo Damian Revainera, Leonardo Pablo Porrini, Constanza Brasesco, Silvina Quintana, Francisco Zumpano, Martìn Javier Eguaras, Matias Daniel Maggi, Diana Di Gioia |
Einfluss von Krankheitserregern und Landnutzung auf das Mikrobiom von Solitärbienen |
Effect of Feeding Honey Bee (Apis mellifera Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies With Honey, Sugar Solution, Inverted Sugar, and Wheat Starch Syrup on Nosematosis Prevalence and Intensity
von: Ivana Papežíková, Miroslava Palíková, Eva Syrová, Anna Zachová, Kristina Somerlíková, Veronika Kováčová, Lucie Pecková |
Einfütterung entscheidet über Fitness und Nosema-Befall |
Decline of six native mason bee species following the arrival of an exotic congener
von: Kathryn A. LeCroy, Grace Savoy-Burke, David E. Carr, Deborah A. Delaney, T’ai H. Roulston |
Einheimische Mauerbienen mit Verlusten, Neuankömmlinge mit Zuwachs |
Native and agricultural grassland use by stable and declining bumble bees in Midwestern North America
von: Derek W. Rosenberger, McKenna L. Conforti |
Einheimische Pflanzenvielfalt bevorzugt |
Assessing pollen nutrient content: a unifying approach for the study of bee nutritional ecology
von: Pierre Lau, Pierre Lesne, Robert J. Grebenok, Juliana Rangel, Spencer T. Behmer |
Einheitlicher Ansatz zur Analyse des Pollennährstoffgehalts |
Linear dominance hierarchies and conditional reproductive strategies in a facultatively social carpenter bee
von: J. L. Vickruck, M. H. Richards |
Einige Holzbienen leben zweimal |